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Monday, December 22, 2008

Saying goodluck to my good friend Shera

SHERA Banbury was the first person I met in Cascade Shores when I moved here in 2000. We became instant best friends. Shera has participated in all the Shores has to offer (Womens Club, CSHA, Cert, functions at the lake and firehouse.) What a plus she has been, in addition to being our resident massage therapist and all around great listener. She just sold her beautiful house on Sadie D to a wonderful family of 4 (they moving down from Little York Close off Summit Ridge) and she has moved to a cozy condo over by Pioneer Park (out of the snow!). Good luck and many thanks to her for all her contributions. You may not know her, but if you live here, trust that somehow in someway she made it a better place to live even for you! The bad news was that her dear friend Ted was delivering moving boxes to her a week ago and slid his van 300 ft. down Pasquale on the way. With an angel on Ted's shoulder, a local resident saw the tracks and rescued him within minutes, fairly unscathed (van totaled). Adios amiga. See you in town!

Next CSHA Meeting 01/07/09/Plow Guy's

The CSHA board next meets Jan 7th, 6:30 pm at Firehouse. If you have any items for discussion, this is your chance. Our county supv. Nate Beason will be joining us. One local wants to discuss motorcycles (some not street legal, and ignoring tresspassing on private property laws).
ON another note, I thought the plow guys did a great job these last two storms. What do you think? The only problem I found was the signage at base here showing "road closed." Never know if that's true, or they just forgot to turn it. . . . That has been mentioned to Roads Dept. in the past, and they said they'd try to do better . . . .

Quotable Quotes

I can't quit laughing at this from former SF Mayor Willie Brown. Seems he was leaving a party the other night, and a "brother" stopped him to say, "well, 2008 sure was a great year for us." "How so" Willie asked. "Because we got Obama!" say's the brother. "But then, 2008 was a great year for white folks too." "How so?" asked Willie. "Cause they got O.J." (I have a weak spot for OJ humor).
Hope 2009 is your next great year!

Need a driveway or berm plow?

Got a flyer in my mailbox from Sean O'Brien here in the shores. He has a Kabota and clears driveways ($40) berm ($10) or will dig out your car ($10, or free with plow). Call him at home 265-0172 or cell 277-7913. We will be adding him to our online service provider list. Also, if you are a CSHA member, a member phone listing book is being prepared and mailed this month.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


I had to laugh at all the Police Blotter reports of burglars on the roofs in NC and GV the last few days. It sounds like giants on the roof and earthquakes here too as the mini avalanches of snow slide off the roof due to the warming and rain here in CS. Then one almost clobbered my little Harry Dog (Doxie) and I realized that you have to be careful! After we did an "add on "last summer (new living room) we have alot of new rooflines that are dumping the snow right on to walking areas. Be careful out there. Fortunately, the warmer air and rain is turning the snow into slush on the road making travel easier to town and within the shores. The big day is getting closer. Today is the last Victorian Christmas, a great opportunity to pick up those last minutes gifts. Have fun!