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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hoping the worst is over

Well, 3 more feet over the last week. Long timers saying that they have not seen this kind of snow in 30 years. Hopefully, this is the storm OF THE CENTURY for us. A 75' oak tree just laid down in my yard, missing my house and cars by inches. Hard to say how much damage from this last snowfall, as they fall, they sometimes disappear into the snow. Perusing the neighborhood, lots of trees leaning against buildings, and unfortunately cars and homes have been damaged. Hope you are doing well. So good to live in a neighborhood where neighbors help neighbors. Keep up the good work all. Cleanup is going to be a challenge when the white stuff melts. Lot power at 9pm Thu. night. Not sure when it comes back. Looks like it may be "awhile."

Monday, March 21, 2011

PLEASE, help the dog running loose on BQHill

All day I've been watching a little pitty (very small) run up and down Quaker Hill in front of my house (The big hill stretch). She/He is lost and confused, and very wet and very scared. I tried to catch, but she runs. If you see her/him and can possibly pull over, maybe you can catch and deliver to the shelter???? I know it's alot to ask, but if nothing else, you might be helping someone else avoid an accident. The dog is running in the middle of the road!
I have never seen so many variations in weather in one day! Snow, rain, sleet, snow, more rain, hail. People are still going up and down the hill (way too fast), but I imagine it will be icy soon. Be careful out there!
Mike Inglis (yes, security guy Mike) was coming back to the Shores from town on Friday, and stopped on Pasquale to help a disabled car. When he got done, he realized he had dropped his cell phone on the road. Problem was, the plow had gone by, and swept his phone away with the snow. I swear, no good deed goes unpunished. So, if by chance you find a cell phone on the right side (going to NC) it's Mikes, 265-9147. Ya never know!

still snowing, but power has stayed on

Wow, this is nice. All systems working. Big Hill is clear and I'm watching cars go up and down.
Pasquale was clean down to asphalt yesterday. Plow has been working since the wee hours. As of 11am, white stuff still coming down . . .

Pam Herenkohl mentioned citing a momma bear and her two cubs in the snow yesterday. I guess they are not hibernating anymore. Hope they can find enough food to move around. Don't know about you all, but I'm ready for spring. . . .

Dixie and Roberts party was well attended at the National yesterday. They have such a far reaching and eclectic group of friends here in Nevada County. The Rotarians (Rotary Club) Kawani's, local politicians, shopkeepers, musicians and writers. Nice to see the two Robert L. Crabbs together. There really are two! This community is so interesting, with so many kind and caring residents, not to mention fun loving!
Robert described Nevada City as "an adult playground" as opposed to the youth oriented society they are returning to in So. Cal. I think that's a great description.
As a baby boomer, I really appreciate the opportunities to join a group no matter what your interests, as all interests are represented somewhere here. Upcoming meetings I am planning to join are Garden Goddesses (organic and herbal gardening group) and Shera Banbury's "thinktank" about women and economics at the Briarpatch meeting room on April 6th. With so many people taking advantage of the real estate market and buying rental/vacation property, I wonder if there is a "landlord" group, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel to get started in investment real estate. Know of one? If not, I guess it's time to start one! Wow, Landlord. What an archaic term. How about "housing/owner provider."