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Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cascade Mini Mart????

One of the first things I learned upon returning home is that the Cascade General Store has been sold and will be doing business as Cascade Mini Mart. Some folks from town have purchased, and they own 2 or 3 mini marts and the store on Ridge Rd and Alta. Good luck to them. It would be nice to have a convenience store. Heard they also will have a deli counter. The changeover should take place soon.
Today was the kids Halloween party put on by Womens Club at the firehouse. It was fun as usual, and Carol Carter and the ladies supplied all the amazing goodies and treats for kids and parents attending, along with bingo, musical chairs, pinata and craft making. Met a new family from Nugget street who were pushing a baby buggy with 4 day old Laney inside, along with their other 2 kids. They moved away from a house on Nuggett 4 years ago over to highway 20 side, and missed the old neighborhood so moved back with their growing family. They said they missed the "community" of the shores, so bought the house next door to their former shores house. Welcome back. That's a nice story. And by the way, Laney is already a ravishing beauty.
While I was experiencing the "noreaster" on Cape Cod, apparently we were having quite a storm here too. Took a day to clean up the fall out from the rain and wind. Enjoyed every minute of it. The smell of the wet dirt and pine trees is intoxicating. Enjoy these warm days. I think winter is very near. By the way, the colors were late coming in Boston due to a warm spell. It is far more colorful here right now! Be sure to drive up Nevada Street in town. Breathtaking.
For you that know and love Shera Banbury, she has found herself a beautiful new home in Grass Valley to buy. She'll be moving in early November and is very excited to be back in her own casa.
Dixie ran a press release in her blog about the 5 mile house reopening on Hwy. 20. That is a beautiful building, and it sounds like the have a great new menu. Good luck to them. That is a tough location in winter, but love the drive in the nice weather. To bad there wasn't a bridge from here to the hwy 20 side. It's such a short distance as the crow flies. But it is only 5 minutes from Broad St.

Love that Dirty Water

Back from Boston. If you're my age, you remember that song (Love that dirty water, Boston you're my home). Let me tell ya, no dirty water there. Boston is clean as a whistle (how clean is a whistle anyway) and I loved every second of the 2 1/2 days there. Hit all the landmarks, Paul Revere's house, North Church (oldest) where the lantern was hung, Green Dragon Pub (constitution and revolutionary war papers drawn), the harbor, the incredible North End with Italian bakeries to die for. If there were important decisions or papers to be written, our forefathers did it at a pub over beer. Visited many cemetaries where all the statemen and pilgrams and even our first freed slaves were buried, and pirates hung. The historical bars are not even tourist traps! They serve real food, at real prices, and hardly had anyone in them! 4 days on Cape Cod proved educational and charming as all hell. The beautiful colonial, saltbox cape coddy homes on huge expanses of lawn, and bungalows and mansions alike overlooking the bay were nothing but perfect. We were the guests at beautiful Morgan's Way B&B (relatives of my sisters) and they pointed us the right way to ProvenceTown and Chatham where shopkeepers could not be more friendly and talkative. By the way, we found Bostonians to be hands down the WORST direction givers ever. However, my sister Jackie and I loved their accents, to we asked for directions even if we didn't need them, just to hear folks talk. They would point at a spot where 4 streets came together, and say, "youz should just go datta way, (???) take 2 lefs, maybe 3 rights, and it should be on yer left, or maybe yer right." Oh yeah, good luck with that. This happened MANY times. The transit system is great, just pay $2 and ride anywhere in the system, including transfering to shuttles to airport, etc. We actually got hit by not one, but 2 "noreaster's" (always wanted to use that term) and a house on a beach near us was swept into the sea by the storm out on the cape. Well, back home now, so time to catch up!