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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Recent home sales

Looks like homes in Nevada County are starting to move again.  About time.  I see that a few have sold in Cascade Shores recently.  So, new home buyers, if you are reading this be sure you check with CSHAssn about joining and getting a great discount on propane from our alliance with Surburban.  Your membership of $100 a year (volunteer) helps maintain our community lake (Lost Mine Lake) and give a voice to Cascade Shores when county issues arrive via our dedicated Board.
Housesitter in place and all loose ends tied, I'm off for 2 glorious weeks of no cares/no cooking/no responsiblity except to find the bar, restaurant, pool and views.  Can't wait to meet the cousins in Boston and jump on the cruise ship.  Have a great beginning of fall ya'll.
Con't miss the opportunity to participate in the Cascade Shores yard sale.  Get your place on the map.  Or, if maybe you are a new home owner of a vacation home, cruise the shores picking up all the things you need to make if comfy.  
The 18th annual Celebration of Life Triathlon is here (Scotts Flat Lake and throughout Cascade Shores) on 9/16/12.  This is a great event to raise funds for breast cancer imaging assistance.  I have had 2 dear friends battle cancer over the last 12 months, and lost my sister to BC 2 years ago.  Early detection is so important, and this event raises funds to make sure we women stay healthy and get diagnosed early, even if you don't have insurance for an exam.  So, swim, bike and run, or sponsor an athlete if you can.  Let's end this cancer madness!