OMG, first we were blessed with a wonderful mild winter. I think we had 2 significant snow storms, and by significant, I mean I actually had to break out the shovel twice, the blower never!
Then we were treated to and early and very warm spring, with lots of helpful warm rain. No late freezes, which meant that my very confused apricot, which usually get's her beautiful blossoms frozen by a late freeze, instead produced about 150 gorgeous little apricots (lots of jars of apricot jam in the freezer). My flower garden was ecstatic with the weather, and in turn promptly turned out the most beautiful bounty of Chinese Lanterns, Peonies, Daisies and Cherry Tomatoes I've ever seen here. Every day was a wonder, with plants I didn't even know I had putting on a show!
Then, as if that wasn't enough, we had a perfect summer with only a few over 90 days. The lake was warm and high and almost every single day was perfect for swimming and boating.
Now we are having an extended perfect fall no rain and nice cool nights making the leaves turn all their beautiful brilliant colors early enough that we can enjoy them for weeks on end My Hosta's, Virginia Creeper and a few others, that should have gone to sleep by now are still treating me to a daily dose of garden wonder.
Do yourself a favor, and take the extra few minutes to leisurely drive out Pasquale instead of taking the big hill/ The variations of red, pink, gold, orange, yellow and green are really a feast for the eyes. Take it slow, stop from time to time to really take in the season The smell of the dirt and downed trees, the tepid breezes, the chirping birds and scampering squirrels I think only the bicycle riders are using the road on a regular basis, and they know what I'm talking about.
The walking group meets most Mon, Wed, Fridays at the Firehouse, and takes a nice paced walk 1 1/2 miles out and back Do yourself a favor if you have the time, and join us. Dogs always welcome.
Happy Fall and don't forget to stop by the Firehouse this Saturday and check out the local kids in costume enjoying the Womens Club Halloween Party, a Shores tradition. 1pm-3pm.