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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Sewer Issues

I think I mistakenly said last Wed was the meeting at the Firehouse.  If you view the main page of CSHA website, you will see it is THIS COMING Wed.
Well, so far we've had rain, hail and thunder on this lovely Memorial Day Weekend.  Honestly, I can't remember a MDW that this area did not have at least 1 day of rain, so this is typical.  Hope it warms up tomorrow (Sunday).
If you saw the pack of Harley riders going up and down the big hill, those are what I call the Putting Padre's.
A group of ministers that borrow a friends house every year this time for "boys week."  Really nice guys.
It may be old news, but the store is changing hands again.  I think the owners have leased it to a couple.  So, look forward to some changes . . . .I hope for the better.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Bears unlimited/Fostering dogs and kitties

The Union has a good article today regarding the bear population and bear interaction in Nevada County.  The title is:  Official:  People "root" of nuisance bear problems.  I know, some of my readers will often say, "Yes, but they are getting too close and too bold, and I have kids/grandkids."  Please be assured that there has NEVER been an incidence of black bear attack, even by momma bears in Northern California.  While it may seem bold that they are passing only yards away from you, their quest is their food, not human meat.  They are mostly fruit/vege eaters.  They forage.  When you leave garbage/dog/cat food accessible to them, or when they sniff food being prepared in your home, they are attracted.  So, if you take proper precautions, ie garbage out in the am on Thursday, no pet/bird food on porches, they will have no reason to get close to your home.  Just a thoughtful moment can actually save a bear's life.  These are majestic and shy natural residents of these mountains.  Please respect their space, and you will find that they will respect yours.
If you read this blog, you know I am a foster mom for both Scooters Pals and Sammies Friends.  Both of these organization desperately need foster homes for high risk animals.  For Sammies, it is full on kitten season.  Almost every day someone brings in kittens, often feral with no momma, and they are too young still for adoption.  They need homes for these babies for only a few weeks till they are 2lbs and can be spay/neutered and old enough for adoption.  They are usually already eating on their own.  Is this something you can help with?  It is at no cost to you, as they will supply any food/meds needed. You can reach the shelter at 471-5041 to volunteer.  It is very rewarding and a great way to get you "kitten fix" without making a 15 year commitment.
They also sometimes have dogs that are recovering from surgery or getting depressed from long term stays, who would be far more adoptable if they were thriving in a home atmosphere.
Scooters Pals pulls dogs from high kill shelters (some kill 60% of their dogs).  They pull highly adoptable dogs, mostly under 20 lbs. that are set to die merely due to overcrowding.  No issues.  Right now they have poodle and poodle mixes, rat terriers, and other assorted small mixed breeds.  They are having an adoptathon tomorrow at 11-2pm at Petco in Grass Valley by Raleys.  Even if you don't want to adopt, if you think you can provide a safe foster home for these sweet babies please come down and talk with the volunteer staff.  Scooters does not have shelter, ALL their dogs are in foster homes. You can visit for more info.  We always have at least one Scooters dog, and currently have Sammies Friends dog staying with us.  Most get adopted within a month, as they are listed on which is very effective for placing dogs.
I can't tell you how rewarding it is to see these dogs blossom as they start feeling secure and loved again, after being abandoned by their families.  I fall in love over and over, but always keep in mind that the sweet animal is just a visitor in my home, and will soon go to what will hopefully be their forever family.  My adopters always keep me posted, and the many emails and pics I get make it all so worth the small effort on my part.
So, please consider this worthwhile way of helping our doggie and kitty friends.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Friends of Gary are planning a event at LML for friends of Gary

Pam Herrenkohl would like all to know that a potluck/bbq will be held in Gary's honor Saturday, June 2nd at 3pm.  That man sure loved a good BBQ!  So please come and remember Gary with friends and neighbors.  I'm sure the horseshoes will be flying, along with the funny and warm stories.  Thanks for the comments on this blog.  We all have memories we would like to share, and this would be a great place to share them.
There is a meeting at the Firehouse this Wed. regarding sewer issues.  As you may know, 83 of the 400 or so homes in the shores are serviced by their own sewer plant in Gas Canyon.  It's a long story that you probably already know . . . but if you have interest in the status quo, be at the firehouse 5/30 at 7pm.
I learned alot at the annual CSHA meeting, which I'll try to recall. One thing comes to mind is that if you have Surburban Propane, they have a summer college student program, in which they hire kids to paint their tanks.  SO, if your tank is looking grungy (mine sure is) you can call the GV office and they will FOR FREE send a kid to clean and paint your tank.  Nice.
The Garden Tour was fabulous this year.  Every year I am a bit apathetic about my yard, then I go on the tour and get COMPLETELY ENERGIZED.  Everything is just leapin' out of the ground right now.  Gotta love spring here.  We live for 6 months in a black and white photo, then it just POPS into color like the movie PLEASANTVILLE.  The dogwoods are spectacular this year.  Enjoy.
Waited a week for the solar eclipse, then completely forgot.  Here I was on the sofa about 5:30 when it suddenly got real dark in the yard, and still it didn't jog my one functioning memory cell.  Oh well.  Did you  see it?  Was it fab?