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Friday, April 16, 2010

Do you know Olivia?

My neighbors Olivia Diaz and Ernie Malamud just returned from a 3 month trip to Europe. They rented a wonderful apartment in Paris, and traveled and enjoyed the sites and friends all over, I don't know how many countries. They were lucky to have left the day before the volcano erupted in Iceland, making plane travel impossible for the past 2 days. They referred to it as "Strandanavia" on the news today. Great timing Olivia. So now they just have to conquer the jet lag and culture shock. Can't wait to see the pics. Welcome Home.
Terry A. just clued me in there is a kids "safety fair" tomorrow at the Beam Center in Grass Valley (Colfax Ave) by the bowling alley. You can bring bikes and car seats and have them checked for safeness. Also, free hot dogs, snow cones and big blow up slide for the little ones. I'm borrowing a 4 year old to justify checking it out! I think it's 10-4pm.
April 24-25 is No-Motor weekend on Scotts Flat Lake. from 10am - 4pm. Enter on Hwy 20 side (or boat over). Gold Country Yacht Club will offer free sailboat rides. Wolf Creek Wilderness will let you test drive different paddle boats and teach techniques (capsize recovery and kayak control). Boy Scouts will BBQ hot dogs and hambrgers from 11-2pm. It is their BIG fundraiser.
It's the 4th year, and the first time they have done it for 2 days instead of 1.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Correction: magical Tibetian Spaniel looking for like minded people to love

Wow, Liz Keller (thanks Liz) read my blog about my "foster son" and said she thinks he is a Tibetian Spaniel. She directed me to "" and BINGO, I think that's just what we have here. He looks like a Tibbie, he thinks like a Tibbie, so for my money, that's what he is. What a great breed. Here are the characteristics: great watchdogs (like to sit on their window perch & watch the world), patient with kids as long as they are not teased or roughly handled, live just fine in small homes, only need a few brisk walks a day for exercise, 9 to 15 lbs, only shed a little, seldom need a bath (8 weeks) never need trimming, occasional brushing, shed only a little in spring. They are highly intelligent, though a bit stubborn, and super loyal to the family, while keeping their independence. Sounds like good husband material. And did I mention they are total clowns. Little Beau has been entertaining us non-stop. So if you know anyone . . . . . . . he's a keeper.
Dixie tells me that the next storm coming Monday is a cooooold one, and we may see more, you know, SNOW. Prediction is for a low of 34, so watch out.
Women's Club met yesterday for a luncheon at Diego's in Grass Valley. Man, the food there is sooo tasty. Best guacamole ever. The waitress was kind enough to share the receipe with us. Avacado, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic, s & p. I know it sounds typical, but they do some kinda voo-doo on it. The Caesar salad is great, (but no croutons). About 20 of us showed up, and it was fun to catch up with everyone's travel, wedding and baby news. Noisy group!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Blame ME for the snow

Yes, it's my fault. I went and bought bedding plants on Saturday. Never fails. Plant flowers and it will snow. Like washing your car hoping it won't rain. No such luck. Anyway, by my count, today is the 3rd snow since the dogwoods bloomed, so this is it, right?
So I went to Scooters Pals "adoptathon" on Saturday at Incredible Pets. My last words to Phil were, "don't get your britches in a knot, I won't bring a dog home." I was there to volunteer to hold pups and make them super appealing so people would want to take them home. They taped for TV, it was fun, and we ate donuts and drank Starbucks. Then it happened. Some poor little Puganese (Pug and Pekingese) has been returned from a hopeful home as "unsuitable" and he was scared S_ _ _ less, and pathetic, and BEAUTIFUL, and I just HAD to comfort him, and I just had to bring him to my house, so he could learn wonderful things from my NEUROTIC beasts. Oh yes, I will waive my magic wand and make him friendly, and cozy, and lovable and people across the land will hear about him, and they will line up to submit an application! At least, that's what we're hoping . . . . Phils britches are in a knot . . . . . This is actually one sweet little dog. If you are interested in meeting him, or know anyone that might want a beautiful little companion dog, please give me a call at 265-8680. Go to and click on adoptable dogs, look for Beau. He's the beauty on the right above. He doesn't take up much space, and loves being warm and cozy inside. Today may have been his first snow experience, and he LOVED it. When he's real happy her runs in circles with complete abandon.