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Friday, March 27, 2009


I spoke with my friend Lisa, whose job it is to drive around the Bay Area fixing woodwork and furniture on-site.  Her constant companion is Luna, her beloved 60 lb black lab.  Luna sits shotgun in the 2 seater truck, going from job to job.  2 weeks ago the unthinkable happened.  The two were hit in a head-on collision going 50 mph, with the lane tresspasser also going 50. Yep, that's like hitting the old brick wall at 100mph.  Lisa, saved by the airbag was injured and required knee surgery, but after a few initial scares, will be ok. What happens to a 60 lb dog in a collision like that?  Not a thing in this instance, as Luna is ALWAYS secured with a Pet Auto Safety Vest Harness ($17-$36 depending on style).  It is a harness that clips into the regular seat belt system.  She was lying on the seat, and the combination of systems left her unscathed.  She spent the rest of the day riding around with animal control and was back with the family the next morning.  So, think about that the next time you put Rover in the car untethered.  Do you love your dog, and do you not want a 60 lb projectile hitting you in the head or flying though the windshield?  You can get the harness at better pet stores, or check Hunter K9 Gear.  

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Lost Mine Lake improvements

To be discussed at the annual meeting of CSHA a week from Sat. 1pm at Firehouse are the improvements that hopefully will be completed this year at the little lake (the budget for such comes from member dues). Toilets rooms will be upgraded and  electricity added (it's dark in there!) safety issues tackled like new flooring in sheds, and some other misc improvements. We are hoping to increase membership from the 180's to 200, and this will help provide the capital to keep the association going for another year, which in turn also provides us all with those great propane discounts, security patrol, events planning, newsletters and website, voice with local county government and roads dept and a place to start if you have a neighborhood problem or solution! So, even though everyones budget seems strained in these complicated times, please consider maintaining your membership or even joining for the first time.  You are needed and very much appreciated.  $100 a year ($8.00 a month) gives the you and the board the opportunity to make a difference.  
Don't forget the lake is yours to share, or yours to reserve exclusively.  See our flyer on website.  It's time to book for summer 2009.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Snowing again

I'm in Eugene, Oregon, where is it chilly and gray, with occasional rain and hail.  Just talked to the husband, and he say's it's been snowing in the shores.  I was told when I moved there that you get 2 snow falls after the dogwoods bloom, then the snow is over and you can plant.  So, are the dogwoods in bloom yet?  Don' know.  But that formula hasn't failed me yet.
Left Nevada county admiring the daffodils on hwy 49,  which turned to fields of wild purple lupine on Hwy 20, which turned to orchards of beautiful fruit blossoms and acres of wild mustard on hwy 70 all the way thru Chico.  Quick stop in Las Molinas at my favorite taco truck (across from the hardware store) for THE BEST TOSTADA west of ANYWHERE.  Always grab an extra to go for dinner.  Jump onto Hwy 5 and before you know it the outrageously beautiful Mt. Shasta is in your line of vision for miles and miles.  Onto the high desert country past Shasta, and onto beautiful Ashland, Oregon.  It's just green, green, green all the way to Eugene.  I find this to be one of the most satisfying drives I know of, and enjoy it every time.  If you haven't done it, I suggest you do.  Many, many fruit farms and wineries once you get into Oregon that love visitors.  There is even a Safari World where you can hold baby lions and tigers.  Eugene is college town (University of "Pac 10" Oregon) and alive with great shopping, quirky coffee shops, can't be beat bakeries, and just LOTS of local color.  Very livable, and just 1 1/2 hours from the coast (Florence, Ore).  Talk to you later!