Last night I attended the Womens Club (+partners) dinner at Trolley Junction. Great party of about 22, and had lots of fun catching up and chowing down. Lots of thanks to Charlotte Starn who organizes so much for CSWC.
The childrens Christmas Party was held today. Even Santa attended. This is just another great event that the Womens Club makes happen faithfully each year. It is such a fun community event, with crafts, games, Santa and great snacks. Kids take home a gift bag. It's a free event, and no one turned away, so I hope if you have a little one you brought them.
We got our first snow of the season today, starting at about 4pm. Just a beautiful postcard snow. I think it will be a short but sweet storm, and with any luck will snow during Victorian Christmas downtown tomorrow. It begins a 1:30 - 6pm, and should be just beautiful, with a chance to pick up one of those unique items from a local vendor, a real win-win. I'll be there and hope to see you.
I can't talk without saying that our local shelter is FULL of great dogs. Even if adopting a dog is not right for you now, do you think you could have a canine house guest for a few weeks. Sammie's Friends is looking for foster homes so the dogs don't have to spend this holiday in a small concrete enclosure, but instead the warmth and love a real home. Coulild that be you? They'll try to match you with a dog that works in your situation. Call 471-5041 and talk to Ruth, Cheryl or Debbie. Thanks.
I just brought home a little Shih Tzu, 7 years old, recovering from pneumonia. Very polite, housebroken, and totally loveable. He's supposed to lay low for 10 days, so there is not much to do but give him 1 pill, 2 meals, a couple of 3 minute walks and a hug or two. Easy breezy.
My buddy Dixie Redfearn called today and cheered the house with her smiling voice. She misses us, and we miss her. I have "lightened up" this post, and am dedicating to Dixie.
If your new year resolution is to start doing more for your community or get more involved or exercise, don't forget our walking group, book club, game day and various events. The Cascade Shores women'a club is always welcoming new members and you can't find a nicer group of women.
There is a calendar of their events on cascadeshores.org.
Last night I thought I heard my neighbors dogs barking (a beagle and a terrier) but they didn't stop, and at 3am, I finally called their house as it sounded like the dogs were desperate. Turns out it was not his dogs (though he was awake and up cause his dogs were agitated and barking inside the house). It was actually a pack of coyotes trying to coax dogs out. So be careful letting your dog out. He may be drawn to the howling coyotes and they are not inviting him to a BBQ!
Last night I thought I heard my neighbors dogs barking (a beagle and a terrier) but they didn't stop, and at 3am, I finally called their house as it sounded like the dogs were desperate. Turns out it was not his dogs (though he was awake and up cause his dogs were agitated and barking inside the house). It was actually a pack of coyotes trying to coax dogs out. So be careful letting your dog out. He may be drawn to the howling coyotes and they are not inviting him to a BBQ!