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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Channel 3 covers the racial slur in Union

Well, Jeff Ackerman may not think anyone is owed an apology for the Lost Dog ad (see my former report) but the nice guy who's phone number was printed in the add got FORTY nasty phone calls as a result. Channel 3 ran a 2min25sec report on it. As a result, chan. 3 said the Union has changed their procedures on incoming ads. YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. It was indeed a very bad prank.
Union issued a "valued readers" apology in their classified today, and say's they've changed their system. Jeff Pelline's Sierra Foothills Report (he used to be a member of The Union family) mentions the incident also, with a link to the channel 3 report, and cites my blog and the power of blogging. Yes, the papers no longer dictate the information highway. What an interesting time in which we live . . . . .
Took the kiddies to the big lake today. At 12pm, on a gorgeous breezyday we had the beach and most of the lake allllllll to ourselves. Ain't it glorious! You just can't find a better place to spend spring, summer and fall than Cascade Shores. Then there's winter for your dramatic needs.
Saw a house (short sell) listed on Gaston for $159k! Tell me this is bottom. That was the avg. price when I was shopping here in 2009.
Couldn't believe my eyes last night when the weather report was showing a "flash flood" warning for South Lake Tahoe. It warned not to be near a stream or creek (what's the diff?). Anyway, don't know if anything got washed away, but they did have a hail storm. Weird.