Woke up to 3" white stuff, boo-yah! It tapered off by early morning, and roads promptly plowed and clear. Actually a bit warm out there at 40ish.
No entries in the old blog lately. It's been a slow news time around the shores. I've had alot of needy rescue dogs, and they've kept me busy. Bolt was adopted to a correctional officer in Susanville, and will be a regular ranchhand to a mule, a horse, a herd of goats and 2 doggie siblings. I think he'll be ecstatic.
We still have Sr. Citizen Mercury, a sweet 7 yr old Foxy Rat Terrier, Freddie Mac, a 2ish pure Doxie, just a GREAT dog, and Faith, a young pup who was thrown away like trash on hwy 20 a week ago. Her story, along with her 2 sisters, Hope and Angel will be in the Union hopefully tomorrow. If you have a few extra $$ and want to help Sammies Friends pay their huge vet bill (they were in the last stages of starvation) any amount big or small is appreciated.
By now you've received your voter info pamphlet on the special election ballot for the Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Response Service Measure Special Tax. An increase of $52 annually will assure that existing stations stay open, rapid emergency response times are preserved, and current wildland fire protection is maintained. Both lives and properties will continue to be adequately protected. Listen folks, we live plumb in the middle of THE MOST VULNERABLE AREA IN ALL OF NEVADA COUNTY. We have not had a tax increase that goes directly to fire protection in years. This amounts to what, $4 per month. Isn't this a no brainer? No one likes increased prop taxes, but we have to keep at least what we have in terms of services. Please fill our your ballot. Remember in the 60's when they said if you don't like cops, next time you need help, call a hippie? Well if you can't part with $4 a month, next time you have a fire threatening your home, call . . . . . . ??????????
Don't know if you read the papers, but thanks to many wonderful activists here in Nevada County the South Yuba State Park as been removed from the closure list. Bridgeport and the Buttermilk trail live, and some of the greatest swimming holes on the Yuba will be accessable!
One of my favorite stories, "Harold and Maude" will be a play at the Nevada Theatre beginning March 3rd. If you don't know the story, it's about a very quirky and rather dark thinking young man searching for his place in life, and he meet up with and falls in love with an elderly free spirit (they both like to go to funerals of people they don't know). They have a joyous and meaningful relationship. It's just a great story. Can't wait.
Talk with you later. Have to take cute pics of puppies.