Do I have any friends left out there?????
I guess I abandoned by blog when a few life changes occurred. I don't remember which came first, but there were some distinct changes.
For one, I had been feeling generally crappy since Thanksgiving. It got better, worse, better worse, but culminated in a trip to Sierra Nevada Emergency one night in March. Turns out I had a perforated bleeding ulcer and stomach blockage, that resulted in a week in Hotel Kaiser (Rosevile) and 4 weeks hooked up to IV or feeding tube! Even that had a silver lining, which is a total weight loss of 28 lbs, and now I feel GREAT.
The rest was just various emergencies that kept cropping up, but life has settled down now (as it has a tendency to do, and it's nice to get back to writing. Hope I have a few friend still listening to my ramblings.
We have been treated to a miraculously mild winter, with little snow, and it seems just the right amount of rain, at just the times we need it to settle the dust and water the garden. I love how early my plants JUMPTED out of the ground this spring, and my garden looks as if it is in June, and it's only early May. I actually had the unmitigated gall to plant annuals in April, and they are still alive and growing. Usually the minute you plant annuals in Cascade Shores before Memorial Day they are promptly snowed on, and that's that. Be brave gardeners. God hates a coward.
I admit I have not had a meal at the store this winter/spring, but I am hearing GREAT THINGS about the wonderful ethnic food (mostly Asian) being served up. Pay attention to their facebook and grab a good, healthy (cheap!) meal there sometime and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL STORE.
I worked a Scooters Booth at the Home and Garden show and was talking to a business owner (shall remain nameless) and got an earful that reminded me that living in the woods is not for everyone. The woman told me that they are selling their Lake Lane home, and have moved to Lake of Pines, because "it is cold and dark and depressing, and the kids can't play on the street in Cascade Shores." That's certainly one person's take on things. For me, it's cool in the summer, lovely and snowy in the winter, and you can play in the forest or the lake, so who needs the streets." I would have cherished being brought up in such an area. I was raised in Berkeley, and lived for the weekends we visited our horses in Clayton, CA. away from the streets of Berkeley! Sure, it's not for everyone, but for those of us who do cherish living in nature, with a beautiful lake seconds away, and this "end of road" safety and serenity, well, it's my little slice of heaven!
If you did not attend the CHSA annual meeting, you missed out on a lot of good info about the (good) changes being planned. NO, I will not tell you. You should have come! But I did ask Larry Marvin if he would publish an outline of the info. supplied at that meeting.
Had a really nice meal at the new Lefty's Grill (relocated from middle Broad St, to lower Broad St. at the old Deer Creek building. You must go and sit outside on the lower deck. Fabulous sitting a few feet from beautiful Deer Creek, and the food is to die for! Great Margaritas.
I'll check back and see how many of you are reading me. Let me know if it's worth my time.