I'm guessing you all know that when the power goes out you can still use an old fashioned phone (non electronic). Well, if anyone has a comment or suggestion, shout out.
Larry Marvin (he's on the board) just sent an email that someone on Gaston Dr. got their car broken into and ransacked by a bear. Be real careful about leaving food items in your car. They'll break in for a bite of a PBJ. Never ever leave dog or cat food in your car. That's irresistible to Yogi.
Enjoy the rain thru Friday. May turn into a bit of snow on Sat. or Sunday. Should be clear by Tuesday.
Had lunch at Big A's burger joint today, then to Sierra Cinema for HUGO with some Womens Club membes. What a delightful movie, a feast for they eyes. Martin Scorsese's is a genius. I heard him tell that his 12 year old daughter read the book, and asked him to please make the movie, so he did. She told him it MUST be in 3D, and boy was she right!
As usual, the Womens Club is planning a impressive Easter Party for the little ones at the Firehouse. Look for signs, and be sure to bring your kids down for this great Shores tradition. The kids always have a great time making decorations and eggs.