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Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy whatever

Phil and I went to Mike and Caroline Inglis for New Years Eve. The debate of night was, "is it Two-thousand-ten, or twenty-ten? I dunno. It was Nineteen-ninty-nine, then two-thousand-one, so while either will work, what are you going to use (the new movie is Twenty-twelve, right?) Weigh in on this one, will ya?
I always like to share great service stories. We called an electrician in to wire a pool table lamp (which is a giant pain to get even and straight). Well, it also turned out to be a wiring installation nightmare. Thankfully, Contractor Brian Harrison gave me the number of Dave Wood, of Dave's Electric in Grass Valley. He came out New Years Eve day and started the job, then returned today (Sat) to finish. I won't go into details, but it required a ton of patience and expertise to navigate this Winchester House and get the job done, and Dave had both. I highly recommend Dave. Plus, he will drive out here to the Shores to consult/bid for no charge. You can reach him at 530-265-8319. Of course he is licensed.
I did not make it to the big lake to watch the Polar Bear Club do their annual dip. The Union reported about 40 people participated. Brave souls! Personally, I celebrated in my warmest jammies and yes, more baked goods. I gotta change my lifestyle . .
After listening to the umpteenth "BOWL" game emanating from the TV over the past few weeks, I had to chuckle at the newspaper cartoon showing a guy wearing a Tee shirt emblazoned with "Damn, I gotta get a life BOWL." What ever happened to the good old days of 2 or 3 bowl games per season????????? I think Phil watched every single one . . . . . .

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We did, despite the no show snow. It was crisp and beautiful here. So nice, in fact, that on Christmas Eve we were at Lost Mine Lake for a mean game of horseshoes. Brought the dog tribe with us (5 dogs that if you threw in a napsack together wouldn't weigh more than 50 lbs) and mixed it up with some new and old neighbors. Lots of family and friends dropped in over the holidays, and Santa was generous. Thanks again to all my neighbors who shared their holiday baking with us. Amazing goodies. I had no problem eating baked goods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fun. So glad I hid the scale. Note to Dixie, you know that 50 lbs you lost? I found it. . . . .
Did you know that this New Years Eve there will be a "blue moon?" That means it is the 2nd full moon to appear in the same month. Happens every 20 year or so, the last one being 1990. Enjoy. It's supposed to be very bright, though not actually blue. Happy New Year ya'll!
No word on the status of the General Store, but I checked the ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) site and looks like the beer/wine license is still "pending." Guess they won't open till that's in order. . . . .
The first CSHA meeting of 2010 is this coming Wednesday at Firehouse, 6:30. Still looking for candidates for the board. If you are interested, come on down to the meeting. Joanne Drummond will be speaking about a firesafe plan for the perimeter of Cascade Shores.
Looks like property is starting to sell again in CS. I have noticed 4 sale signs coming down, and families moving in. I guess prices are finally "right."
According to the Union, the wandering buffalo story had a happy ending. The owner graciously donated the mother and daughter to a "hobby herd." It must have been a difficult and painful decision, but fortunately he put the animals first. Good karma will come to you Gary. Godbless.