Just returned from a week in Eugene Oregon with family. With 4 sports minded nieces and nephews from age 10-15, it was non-stop practices and games to attend. No time to blog!
Anyway, when I got home Robert Crabb told me that Satuday night before Super Bowl, there were many mail boxes throughout the shores creamed by vandals. Also, someone (?) dumpted two sofa's at the corner of Pasquale and BHQ, by the store. That's quite a spree. What's up? Vandalism is actually pretty rare here. Anybody on their way to the dumps that wants to take a few sofas? They look pretty trashy out there.
The vandals tried to take out our mailbox (16489 Banner Quaker) but were unable to break it, so instead they took a baseball bat to the handcrafted wooden sign that we had made at the fair in celebration of our new home ($150.00). We also heard that possibly mail was set on fire in some of the boxes. Most of the vandalism was on Gas Canyon according to the Sheriff's Department.