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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stone House leased . . . controversy brewing?

It's been months since the StoneHouse bar & restaurant closed their doors. I know owner Nikko Wu was nervous and stressed over the possibility of getting it leased again in this economy. I was impressed when the Union reported it has been leased to a company that will use it as a mini culinary institute to teach "at risk youth and foster kids" the hospitality/food business. I thought it a real win/win. I had a foster daughter once, and I know first hand the extreme challenges these kids face when they "age out" of the system. Any program that helps our kids get a helping hand in learning how to survive this tough competative world should be commended. Instead, there seem to be some "not in my backyard" rumblings. Cu'mon, give the kids a chance. Kids in bad situations usually get born in to them, then the cycle begins . . . . I hope there is some way to support this venture, maybe they will have luncheons for the public. Hope so. We used to go have lunch at the culinary school at Contra Costa College. Five star meals, white table cloths, kids all dressed in starchy waiter clothes. And super reasonable price.
You get great food, they get practice. Win win.
More good news. The Holbrooke has been leased and will stay operational. YaHoo. That place is the heartbeat of Grass Valley. Would have been soooooo sad to see it closed. Is it just me, or do things seem to be looking up? Maybe spring has sprung. Rebirth.

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