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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Erratic blogging/Union news

My entries have been a bit erratic as I have made many trips to the Bay Area lately. Hubby still plays softball in Berkeley (been with the team 30 years) so I go along, hoping a woman player will miss and I can fill in (yes, I am a softball slut). Anyway, after thumbing through 4 days of the Union, here is what I learned (in case you did't).
Sewage measure AB914 passed the Ca. Assembly. This means that the 83 Cascade Shores Homeowners (also Lake of Pines and Lake Wildwood) get relief for the sewer problems in that large fines levied can be applied toward upgrading the new treatment plant (which should just about be done by now). Every dollar helps keep their taxes down. What a complicated mess that is . . . .
Empire Mine State Park is on the chopping block due to Ca. budget woes. If you would like to sign a petition the article said you can go to I'll give it a try and report. What a huge financial and cultural loss that park would be to Nevada County and California. Ditto with South Yuba River State Park and Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park. (Local Terry Grebens Athanasopolous tells me her father was the ranger that rebuilt No. Bloomfield, and she spent her high school years living right in the middle of the town). When will the carnage end?
A car was abandoned at Lost Mine Lake for over a week. This is unfortunate, as it puts the burden and financial responsiblity of removal on CSHA. Someone finally removed it just as the tow truck was enroute. Thanks.
Both the refrigerator at the Lake and the one at the Firehouse are on the blink. SO, if you know of a fridge less than 10 years old for sale cheap, or someone who would like to donate, please call me (265-8680) or Kent Rees (265-6114). Will pick up!

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