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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I'm baaack

Got back a week ago from a trip to see family in Eugene, Oregon. After a week there, I treated myself to a leisurely drive down the beautiful rugged Oregon coast, cruising Hwy 101 all the way to Fortuna, Ca. before crossing over east to Red Bluff (what a long strange road). I stopped in the town of Gold Beach to grab an oceanfrong hotel room overlooking Gold Beach. Wow! Really enjoyed being a tourist, and checking out businesses with unusual names, like Jacky's Wacky Tabaccy (what are they selling?). Grabbed a couple of really fresh crabs coming right off the boat in Crescent City (the fisherman handed them to me LIVE, but had mercy on me when I admitted I would be horrified and feel like the grim reaper listening to them knocking on my cooler all the way back).
After a quick and I hope painless death, I loaded them into the coleman, and made my way home listening to the Super Bowl (go Saints) and celebrating every Saints score with the truck drivers I shared Hwy 5 with (honk honk). Road trips are fun by yourself when you can pull over at any time to check stuff out without having to confer with a companion!
Could we have a nicer February? I can't remember every getting such a jump start on the yard. Even grabbed a truckload of new garden soil today to prepare for this years garden. Noticed that every plant in the yard thinks it's time to bud (albeit a bit early probably). Jenna dog has been steadfastly pursuing a rogue varmit (gopher?) that is making mounds all over the newly sprouted grassy area. No success yet, but we're keeping our fingers crossed. . . .
OK, 2 funny articles in the Union. First, someone was slashing tires and egging houses in town in late January. 2 teens have been nabbed. Now the funny part. One victim offered a reward of 100 CHOCOLATE TRUFFLES for info on the culprits. Oh yeah, I'd turn in my own for 100 truffles . . . .
KVMR (public radio) was conducting a fund raiser was coming up short of their $100k goal. Michael Moore (yes, THAT Michael Moore) was listening, and has a great affection for KVMR, so he offered to match contributions until the station made their mark, AND offered to wash the car of any $100 contributors. Wouldn't it be a gas to have a picture of Michael Moore washing your care while you sit in a lounger sipping an iced tea????? Anyway, they raised $21k after his offer.

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