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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Now, for more upbeat news

The newish CSHA Board is planning 2 events, as you can see by the home page. A family picnic/kayak race on 8/28 (sat). This is a great chance to meet your neighbors and let the kids have a kayak experience on Lost Mine Lake. Very safe, very fun.
The community flea market/swap shop/yard sale kinda thingy is on 9/11, 8am till 4pm at Firehouse. I love this opportunity to empty out my garage of the years accumulation. There are usually 10 or so sellers, and it is advertised in Union and KNCO, and broadcast email, so we get a pretty good attendance.
Pam Herrenkohl is in charge.
By the way, if you read Pam's facebook page, she started her vacation with a broken toe, courtesy of her Great Dane. Weighing in at 150 lbs, he stepped on her foot, resulting in a break. I've known people who got toes broken from their horses, but a dog???????
Kent and I will be applying a concoction that will topkill the algae forming at LML this week, so steer clear early in the week. It will be posted. You can still take your dogs to the Dog Beach. We only treat the area by the beach. It dissipates in 2 days.
I still have Chester the wonder beagle staying with me. If you know anyone wanting to adopt a senior dog that is healthy, well mannered and still has lots of fun days ahead, give me a call at 265-8680. He's a charmer, and just loves everyone, no matter what species.

1 comment:

  1. Well my Great Dane is a horse of sorts!

    Thanks to you & Kent for taking care of the weeds at the lake!
