Honestly, temp inside my refrigerator, 38degrees. Temp inside my BBQ, 37 degrees. So, we use it as a 2nd fridge.
Speaking of gold (who isn't?) have you caught the new reality show on Discovery, Gold Rush Alaska? I was riveted the other night watching 4 episodes in a row (I know, get a life). It's about a bunch of unemployed (who isn't?) Oregonians that sell everything they can, pull together $200,000 and drive huge equipment up to Porcupine Creek, Alaska, where they learn, ON THE JOB, how to gold mine their claim. The whole process of building their "mine" and working the gravel is pretty amazing. What is also amazing is just how hard some people will work, and dream, in order to do what has to be done to take care of their families. The hardships and challenges are countless, and they are living where the bears outnumber people 3/1. Yes, Grizzlies that browse around camp while they sleep, and observe them from the edge of camp during daylight hours . Good luck. I always wonder how much Discovery is paying them . . . . maybe that's the real "gold."
The silver lining in November's cloud storm, man, there is firewood everywhere! Now that it's been dry for awhile, we have just been rounding up lots of kindling too. Love that part.
I'm always a little late to the "who's closed their business news" but just noticed that Wolf Creek Wilderness is gone. That was such a great place, run by Dan Childers. They always got awards for their business, and ran kayak sales and clinics from the shores of Scott's Flat Lake. They'll be missed! I'm guessing another causality of the economy.
My "free range" ShihTzu's finally got adopted. Found the PERFECT couple from Auburn. They will be going to their new home on 5 lovely sunny acres in No. Auburn on Saturday. Lucky girls. They have been a joy in our house for the past few months, other than Rory's 2 week "unauthorized camping trip" into the woods behind our house.
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