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Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Sierra Nevada WebCams: cool website

5PM UPDATE: PROBABLY GOT 4" ALREADY. Hill just got plowed, but looks wicked. Kids were sledding on it awhile ago. We're in a winter wonderland.
I always check Nevada City web cam or Grass Valley webcam before venturing to town on these kinds of days (snowy) but I just discovered NEW SIERRA NEVADA WEBCAMS site. They have a massive listing of webcams throughout California, so you can see for yourself the weather anywhere, anytime!
Our storm is just beginning to arrive here at 1pm. Light snow falling, not stacking up much, yet.
Will keep you posted.
Another website, SierraVisions is calling travel in the Sierra's this weekend "treacherous if not IMPOSSIBLE." So stay home. It can't be worth risking your life to travel Donner Pass.
Yes, it's true, Dixie Readfearn and Robert Crabb and packing up and moving back to Orange County to be with kids and grandkids. Our loss is their gain. I have personally LOVED having them as friends, which Dixie promises will continue despite the 500 mile gap. Robert has been a longtime CSHA board member, and it will be hard to fill his shoes. Dixie is just an all around great person and friend, and has taught me much in our years of friendship. Then of course there is Jackson, the Golden Retriever. I remember the day Dixie and I raced to Lodi to snag that 3 toed sloth from Golden Rescue before Robert got home to nix the idea! Yes, it IS better to ask forgiveness than permission, right Dix? So, wishing them the best, and hoping they will return often, and bring some of that LA sunshine with them. Also hoping to visit you guys there. I know they will dive into community service and renew their friendships just as they did here. We'll miss you at the Shelter to Dix. Any one want to fill her Wed afternoon shoes?

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww...that's so sweet! Of course I'll visit -- and I hope you visit us, too!!
