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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lake Cleanup a success thanks to a great group of kids

The Americorp kids camping at Firehouse came down to LML in their bus and KICKED BUTT cleaning up the lake/park. What a great group! I've never seen it look better. They moved sand to the beach, set benches, cut up trees (come and get the pine rounds in parking lot if you want). It would have not happened without them, as very few residents (sadly) showed up. Lost Mine Lake is such a great resource, and such a wonderful peaceful setting for us here in the Shores. Pam said she already has 4 bookings for the 2011 season, including a baby shower and 2 weddings. SO if you are planning an event there, be sure to book with Pam Herrenkohl soon. You'll find her number on the board list.
Well, we got that snow today, as did Grass Valley and Nevada City. Woke up to that wonderful silence you only sense when fresh snow is falling. It's just the right amount, with no disruption of roads. Enjoy, it'll be hot enough soon. Just sorry for the Amgen Tour bikers trying to pedal around Tahoe today. BURRRRR. They'll be coming thru Nevada City and Grass Valley tomorrow if on schedule. Brave souls.
I was so sad to hear that someone tore the doors off Mateo's Pub last week, trying to burglarize the place. Matt Margiles, former CS residents owns the pub, and it serves wonderful food, plus has fun entertainment. The outside dining area is the best in Nevada City. If you haven't eaten there, be sure to try. I swear, theives are getting bolder and stupider. What were they going to steal from a restaurant, and on a day they were closed, when clearly there would not be money on premises. A few weeks ago some guys tore the bars off La Cache jewelry on Broad Street at 2am. They got caught on Hwy 49 when a National Hotel employee saw the crime and called NCPD. Desperate times?
Countdown to 10,000 reads of blog. Today is 9822.

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