Just saw a fire truck pass the house with siren/light going. Not sure their mission (fire or emt) but reminder: BURN SEASON IS OVER! No more burning your slash and yard waste till the rainy season (November?). Please observe. The fine for violation is hefty, but the risk of lighting Cascade Shores like a roman candle is horrifying. Please be fire safe, and keep doing the great work of cleaning up the downed stuff on your property. The county chipper is still making the rounds, so place your branches on the edge of your property at the road, with the stems facing out so they can grab and chip. Do not stack higher than 4'. I imagine they will be chipping throughout the summer. If I hear different, I'll let you know. Chippers can be rented at Green and Gold, or you can hire local tree people (Michael Cotton or Brian Bixler). Check out service provider list on Cascadeshores.org for their contact info.
Pam Herrenkohl who manages Lost Mine Lake would like to remind everyone that the summer rules are in effect, NO DOGS ON LAWN AREA of Lost Mine Lake. I love dogs as much as anyone, but toddlers and dogs in a swimming/barefoot area do not mix well. There is a great doggie beach area on the path right of the bathrooms, so take Fido there for a swim or trek around the lake, but please do not bring him to picnic area. I know, we all get accustomed to letting the dogs hang out during the winter months, but please respect the summer rules. Also, please clean up after your dog when on the path. We'll place plastic bags by the gate in case you forget them. This is pretty much the only rule at LML, so it is much appreciated if it is observed. It is for the safety and comfort of all.
I watched a beautiful Robin make a nest right over my kitchen door, and she raised one chick, who left about a week ago. Then I noticed her sitting in the nest again, and when I checked there is another single blue egg. Is this common? I did not know they had singles, or that they reused the nest. Anyway, it makes me happy that she feels safe even though Phil and I and dogs are cats enter and exit thru that door all day long! I also just restocked the bird feeders for the first time this year, and it's an all day buffet around here. Love the huge assortment of birds in the Shores. So fun to watch. Anna across the street feeds her hummers all year. She must have 3 different types/colors visiting her house. They zoom right over my head when I come to her door.
I take pine cones, lather some peanut butter in between the layers, put it a plastic bag with bird seed and give a good shake to get it all coated with seed. Then hang it from a tree with a piece of wire. The squirrels go CRAZY for it. They hang upside down off the pine cone enjoying the treat. Must be the equivalent of me with a piece of cheesecake in the enjoyment level!
I admit it, I'm all absorbed in the Casey Anthony trial. Sick, I know. I'm betting on a less than 1st degree verdict from the jury. That buffoon of an attorney, Jose Baez actually did create a bit of doubt whether it was an accident or homicide, but can we agree that this child had to have died from severe neglect at least . . . . certainly one of the most bizarre trials since O.J. I was addicted to that one too.
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