In case you are not aware, there are two great programs to help you with utility bills if you are low income. LIHEAP is a county program that will help you with PG&E, Propane or Wood (your choice). Call 265-1388 for info to see if you qualify.
CARE is a PGE program that can get you a 15% discount if you can qualify. The number is 800-743-5000.
Hope this info in helpful.
Check for info on these programs.
EC wrote me back for an ABFAB night. Anyone else???
There is a darling doxie named Mona available at GV shelter. Also, Scooterspals has one name Sushi, young, sweet and very male oriented. Anyone looking for a darling wiener dog to love? I can hook you up!
LIHEAP is a wonderful County program. CARE through PG&E is too. The winter months coming up mean large utility bills. Thanks for posting these, Denise.
ReplyDeleteAt lease we're all wood rich! Thankya Jesus~