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Sunday, November 6, 2011

4" and still falling at 7:31, a trend?

Roland Fasset's Nevadacountyweather on Facebook reminds us that last year the 1st snow was on Nov. 20th. Very early, and with leaves still on the trees, caused so many to come crashing down. Well, yesterday, Novembre cinco, we got our first snow. Started at 7pm Sat night, and woke up at 7:30 this am to that soulful silence that tells me we are totally blanketed in the white stuff and it was still coming down. I measured 4" and spent a half hour clearing the porch and part of driveway, and with a 6 ft pole, went around shaking the snow off my still leaf laden trees (not the pines of course, they are bullet proof!) my only company the resident raven, soaring through our woods caaawing the news. Suggest you do the same, or you will have lots of broken branches on your maples and dogwoods. (yes Dixie, I know that's a run on sentence).My maple hasn't even turned colors yet!
So, was last year a fluke, a 10-20 year freak winter, or are we entering a trend? You tell me.
Nonetheless, it is gorgeous out there. The chihuahua meter (my little Kate) says it's below 38. I know, cause she's casing the throw rugs as a possible toilet alternative, which is what she does when I open the door and she catches the chilly breeze and heads back to the dining room to think it over. She's right, it's 34.5 degrees. The rest of the dogs (3 right now) forge ahead and find a patch of ground not yet covered with the white stuff, then happily run around enjoying the crunch under their feet.
The Nevadacitywebcam shows only rain in town. Google it if you need that info. Enjoy your first wintery day, and let's hope it's a "fluke."
PS: if you want to laugh your butt off, go to and pull up the Sat night live sketch on the Kardashian divorce. Genius.
On a sad note, I don't know if you read the front page article in the Union on Nov. 1 about Kenneth Gammelgard, 61, a Nevada County resident, being killed by a drunk driver in Kyrgystan.
Mr. Gammelgard is a local educator who retired in 2009. He was visiting his son, daughter in law and grandchild, and was on his way to the airport when the accident occurred. His wife and other family members survived, although with some injuries. His other son, Alex and family live here in the Shores, just a few homes down from me. I often see them walking their kids and dogs, and have friendly conversations with them. I have seen his father many times with hammer or rake in hand helping to improve his sons home.
You can only imagine the expense of getting his father back home for burial, and the medical bills that will result from this tragedy. Monetary contributions as well as condolences can be sent to Sierra Presbyterian Church, 175 Ridge Rd, Nevada City, Ca 95959. (Attn: Deacon's Fund-Gammelgard/Wood.) There are so many generous people here in the shores. Hoping you can help this sweet family.

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