Who: Lynn Sorenson, Master Gardener
What: Her speech will be about plants/soils for a Fire-Wise Community.
Q & A will follow afterwards
When: Wednesday, April 25 at 7:00-8:30pm
Where: Firehouse
The Womens Club is extending an invite to all residents for the above. Bring a treat to share if you wish. It's always a challenge growing anything other than natural landscaping here, and you certainly don't want to increase the fire danger on your property, so this would be a great opportunity for those ready to face the challenge!
So many for sale and seemingly abandoned properties here, and in all parts of the county I suppose. I am becoming concerned about the amount of downed/dead trees on these properties that seem to have no caretakers at this time. Hope to bring it up at the annual meeting. How about you? Do you have a property adjacent to yours that looks like it could use some firewise attention? Obviously it's not a problem at this very wet moment, but this summer things could get dicey. The Homeowners Assn. has been helpful in the past to notify property owners (if you can identify) that their lot needs attention. Hoping they can be of assistance in these challenging times with property being in limbo . . . . .Any ideas?????? Is there any way to have the banks that are holding title adhere to fire safety guidelines?
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