In case of an emergency in the community, the Nevada County Office of Emergency Services (OES) will be notifying people:
1. If you have a AT&T phone (land line) you are already in the data base and will be automatically notified by The county's Emergency Notification System. No action is required on your part.
2. In order to be notified by the county Emergency Notification System if you have a cable service phone line, cell phone, voice over IP, cell phone text messaging, or personal e-mail, RESIDENTS will need to manually add their information.
TO REGISTER go to the Nevada County OES website. and look for Services, City Watch link.
The Fire Safe Counsel highly recommends that even though your land line is registered, have your cell phone registered also.
(I just did it, takes less than 2 minutes)
(I just did it, takes less than 2 minutes)
link to Union article:
Here are the nuts and bolts of this ordinance: Even is your lot is unimproved (not built on) you must clear vegetation within 100 ft of any structure or near roadways.
It is now on the books. May be difficult to enforce, but why would anyone argue this point?
Failure to do so could result in a administrative citation, or if the problem persists, a criminal citation. County would impose a mandatory abatement with a lien for the cost of the abatement placed on your property taxes.
If my lot is clear, but your's is full of hazardous volatile brush, then I'm going to loose more than you, so I need to be protected. Please show your neighbors you care, even if all you have to loose are trees and bushes. And if you do have a home on your lot, make sure that you clear all the way to your shared property line.
There are companies in the county that will clear brush, there is a county chipping program. If you stack the slash properly, you can arrange to have them come and chip it all. We have Michael Cotton (Michael's Tree Service) right here in the shores that does tree work and chipping (you can contact him about brush clearing, 530-265-6724) I'm sure he can advise you.
Watching the fires in So. California is horrifying and sad. Let's not loose our beautiful Cascade Shores to simple lack of maintenance. Wildfires are devestating. Let's give ourselves a fighting chance by keeping the ground as clean as possible so a small fire stays a small fire, and can be extinguished quickly. Remember, it takes fire dept 15 minutes to get here from town. Alot can happen in 15 minutes on a tinder dry lot.
Keep an eye on your neighborhood. If you see smoke (burn season ends here 6/1) investigate to see if it is controlled or not. Early reporting is important. Don't assume "someone else" is taking care of it. Appoint yourself fire monitor. Call 911 and make sure they are aware of any fires.
If you walk around the shores, especially Banner Quaker Hill, you'll see many cigarette butts. Scary stuff. Please be extra cautious with all forms of fire.
Peace out, D
Forgot, Sunday 5/18 is Lost Mine Lake cleanup! Come on down with your tools and help spruce it up. The little lake is full again and wonderful, ready for swimming and dipping the toes. Such a sweet serene place to enjoy nature.
Forgot, Sunday 5/18 is Lost Mine Lake cleanup! Come on down with your tools and help spruce it up. The little lake is full again and wonderful, ready for swimming and dipping the toes. Such a sweet serene place to enjoy nature.
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