It's just so nice to have beautiful warmish fall days, and those crisp cool nights. The full(ish?) moon tonight was breathtaking high in the sky above the tippy tops of the pines. How can you not love Nevada County particularly at this time of year.
The drive out Pasquale Rd from the Shores to Red Dog is breathtaking. I feel sorry for those that just speed up and down Banner Quaker Hill every day and night, never taking the alternative route to town. The dark black asphalt, decorated with gold, orange and green leaves is true street art. The Madrona forest 1 mile out is simply magical in it's starkness this time of year, and after a good rain, the red, red of the iron rich dirt is gorgeous. The smells of earth, moss, wet bark and babbling streams make it look and sound like a hobbit forest. Scott's Flat Lake is ridiculously low, but has a new stark beauty, with all the old tree stumps now showing, looking like they are sprinting across the sandy and muddy terrain that seldom get's to see the sun.
There is a different peace when I take the pack (6 strong right now) down the path by Pasquale and Cascade Loop, where the stone pillars stand. It's always interesting when you pass the coyote and bear scat (a nice word for poop) on the asphalt road and in the woods, wondering where they are at that particular time of day, and if they are watching us . . . . . so quiet in the woods by the lake without boaters on the water.
A while back Phil and I got home to find 2 young coyote's lurking by our fence. We chased them away, hoping they were not casing our yard for a little Chihuahua treat. Lots of missing kitty signs around the shores. So sad, Keep those kitties in people. Many many bears this time of year, trying to fatten themselves before their winter rest. If no winter comes, no rest, and they will continue to prowl the shores looking for the lazy person who put their garbage out the night before pick up.
I hope you are enjoying this most beautiful time of year. Wishing you peace and lots of fun gatherings as the social season looms ahead.
Can't believe that the powers that be don't want the beautiful white lights of Nevada City to shine 10 months of the year. How freaking short sighted in my view. Everyone I have asked is pro lights, but the spoil sports of the planning commission get the last word. Buchca Ebinizer Scrooges in my humble opinion. What do they have against beauty???? Story made it to channel 13 tonight.
Can't believe it either. Whenever I tell people about Nevada City I always tell them to make sure they do not miss Broad St. after dark when the street sparkles with