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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Once in a Blue Moon

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. We did, despite the no show snow. It was crisp and beautiful here. So nice, in fact, that on Christmas Eve we were at Lost Mine Lake for a mean game of horseshoes. Brought the dog tribe with us (5 dogs that if you threw in a napsack together wouldn't weigh more than 50 lbs) and mixed it up with some new and old neighbors. Lots of family and friends dropped in over the holidays, and Santa was generous. Thanks again to all my neighbors who shared their holiday baking with us. Amazing goodies. I had no problem eating baked goods for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fun. So glad I hid the scale. Note to Dixie, you know that 50 lbs you lost? I found it. . . . .
Did you know that this New Years Eve there will be a "blue moon?" That means it is the 2nd full moon to appear in the same month. Happens every 20 year or so, the last one being 1990. Enjoy. It's supposed to be very bright, though not actually blue. Happy New Year ya'll!
No word on the status of the General Store, but I checked the ABC (Alcohol Beverage Control) site and looks like the beer/wine license is still "pending." Guess they won't open till that's in order. . . . .
The first CSHA meeting of 2010 is this coming Wednesday at Firehouse, 6:30. Still looking for candidates for the board. If you are interested, come on down to the meeting. Joanne Drummond will be speaking about a firesafe plan for the perimeter of Cascade Shores.
Looks like property is starting to sell again in CS. I have noticed 4 sale signs coming down, and families moving in. I guess prices are finally "right."
According to the Union, the wandering buffalo story had a happy ending. The owner graciously donated the mother and daughter to a "hobby herd." It must have been a difficult and painful decision, but fortunately he put the animals first. Good karma will come to you Gary. Godbless.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Took my buddy Brendon Carlson (age 11) to the 3:15 showing of Avatar. I've been to the movies with Brendon before, and usually he can't sit still for long. I'll tell ya, he leaned forward and took in the whole 2 1/2 hrs of this AMAZING film and barely moved. We both loved every minute. It's showing in 3d and 2d, but honestly, why would you see it in 2d? The new technology was completely absorbing and the 3d effects made you duck and swipe at the objects coming at you. It was beautiful, mystical and had a great story and message. It's rated PG, but only for the lightweight swearing, oh yeah, and the tons of explosive violence (though surprisingly little blood).
Well done James Cameron (Director). I think it cost $330 mil to make. He'll get it back in Happy Meals alone. It will be an all Avatar Christmas for kids I'll bet!

Indie, continued

Thanks Pam for backing me up on the Indie thing. Seems Indie visits her house too, and spent a snowy night on her front porch. She mentioned Mims too. Now, Mims is a black and white mutt that lives one lot up from the boat ramp, and his guardian, Craig will tell you proudly that Mims has turned up as far away as Chicago Park, and roams the entire county at will. Mims is beautiful and very smart, and can be seen dragging a large, long hemp rope that apparently was supposed to tether him to something, but just becomes a hazard when he is roaming. He comes to my house occasionally, and actually jumps the 4' fence to get IN, so he cannot be contained by fencing. What do Mims and Indie have in common, other than the wandering gene and families that are clueless of the safety issues of letting them roam? Well, balls, for lack of a better word. Neither dog has been neutered. I don't know where I'm going with this, but chances are if they were neutered, 2 problems would be solved at once. Someone is going to have to make good on the promise to deliver these guys to the shelter. Maybe a $100 fine will make more impact than pleading phone calls. . . . . . I believe they charge extra if your dog is unneutered . . creating the additional problem of puppy making on their many travels. A male dog will travel miles to find a female in heat. Yes, clueless and irresponsible would apply here.

For the Love of Indie

Do you know Indie? He is the very tall yellow lab that roams Cascade Shores freely much of the time. He belongs to Randy the Soil Guy, and I THINK lives on Gold Bug. Well, Dixie tells me that she saw poor Indie chained up over by the store last night next to a sign saying (paraphrase) IT IS NOT FAIR TO LET THIS DOG ROAM AROUND ALL THE TIME. Dixie saw him early in the evening, and went back to check at 8PM, but he had been released (?) by then. I see Indie running the big hill often, playing "chicken" with cars and delivery trucks, and disturbing the fenced in dogs, and more than once I have rounded him up and bought him into my fenced yard for his safety. When I called Randy to tell him about the problem, and asked him to pick him up, his response was "let him go, he knows the way home." When I asked if he cared that the dog was at risk of causing an accident or being hit by a car, he repeated his instructions. So, Randy, if you are listening, know that the residents are not happy with poor Indie being left to his own devices all the time. It seems likely that he will be delivered to the NC Shelter next time you allow him to roam. Indie deserves better than that, he should be safely contained at his own home. The number one reason for keeping your dog contained is because you love them, and want no harm to come to them. Who loves Indie? If you see him loose again, Randy's number is 478-9869.

Friday, December 11, 2009

PS: weather/hill report

It's warmed up a bit, and the snow is turning to slush. Mostly drizzling now. Road crew has been sanding and scraping the hill alot, and it seems safe for travel. No ice or snow predicted for the next few days.
Still no movement at the Gen Store. Guess new owners are waiting till new year???????? If you know anything, please give me a "heads up." Thanks.


Got a few inquiries on the power outage, so I did some snooping. Here is what Kent Rees tells me (he lives across the street from me, also on the "flight line.")
Sunday at about 1pm, a Suburu Forrester with 2 adult males came over the hill (which was not indicated as "closed") and soon lost control, careening down the hill and hit the power pole at Joel Meghills house (the last house on right as you go up hill). They hit so hard that though they severed the pole, their car continued to hold it in place. Could have been worse, as they may have been crushed or electrocuted if the pole had fallen. PGE came out and determined that the car was supporting the pole, so brought a truck with boom in to further stabilize the pole until a new one could be installed on Monday. The power was out for about 4 hrs while they did that work. On Monday, about 4pm, they came out with a new pole, and transferred the lines. This took power down for another 4-5 hours. Kent said though the men were a bit sore and rattled by the accident, they stayed and TRIED to control traffic while emergency crews tried to do repairs. The hill was closed completely on both ends Monday while the new pole was installed. The personal toll is really unfortunate, as Kent said that the two were coming down to CS for one more load of house items, as their house was in foreclosure, and they were moving. Also, the Suburu was their only vehicle at this time. So, if you had a better week than these guys, count your blessing. Again, the hill was technically "Open" when they arrived at the top. The county cannot always get out here right away to turn the sign to closed, especially when conditions can worsen by the minute. Don't be one of the big hill statistics.
This report dedicated to Roy.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


I was in the Bay Area Sun - Wed, doing the San Fran thing. Tuesday was one of those classic Bay Area Days, 30 degrees in the am, 50 at noon, back to 40 in the evening. Phil and I barted over to Embarcadero station and walked the length of Market St. to Union Square, popping into hotel and office lobbies checking out the Christmas displays. The Poinsettia Tree at the foot of Sutter and Market, amazing, the Polar Bear pond across the street on Market was enchanting. They ice rink was set up at Union Square, and Cirque de Solei had MANY costumed performers dancing about promoting their show playing at ATT park. So San Fran. We went to the Cheesecake Factory on the 7th floor of the Macy's building and shared a Tiramisu Cheesecake (yes, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips) while standing on the balcony taking in the whole Union Square scene. After and great deal of window shopping and no buying (I'm the worst shopper ever) and made our way back to Embarcadero and shared the train with all the commuters. I worked in that neighborhood for 9 years, and it still feels like and 2nd home to me . . .
Arrived home Wed at 4PM to about 8" of the most beautifully FLUFFY white stuff. The hill was closed, so we cruised out Pasquale, which was icy but safe. Folks seemed to be in no rush. The widened turns from last summers road work greatly improved visibility and travel. It is warm today (40ish) much better than the 15degrees Bill Carter reported to me on Monday. So, now the tree is up, pine cones painted gold, ribbons and branches EVERYWHERE, and looking forward to decorating the firehouse tomorrow for the kids and SANTA on Saturday. Be sure to come on down for punch and snacks, and watch the kids have fun, and tell a friend or neighbor.
Happy Holidays!
The hill is being used today, but only by the very brave. It's still a bit slick, though blushing up a bit.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Have you found Jesus?

No kidding, in the Union Prospector Thu. the Abundant Life Community Church reports that someone has taken the hand carved baby Jesus from their manger. They are hoping he will be returned by their Dec 2nd program. So, if anyone from ALCC asks if you've found Jesus . . . . .
Not that I want to help "cheaters" but really folks, in light of all the busted husbands lately, can someone come up with a "CHEATERS SURVIVAL GUIDE." Chapter 1 NO leaving messages on your girlfriends cell phone (that she can play over and over and over, to anyone!). Chapter 2: ONCE ON THE WEB, FOREVER OVER YOUR HEAD, The internet is NOT your friend. There is no "valtrex" for emails. Chapter 3: The obvious dangers of cheating on your Mistress, aka Hell has no wrath . . . . .Chapter 4: Cocktail waitresses, can they REALLY be trusted????? Chapter 5: Texting, aka Sexting, just DON"T go there (PS: see chapter 1). Chapter 7: NO, there is no "attorney/doctor/client type privilege between you and your HOOKER. I tell ya, it's a sad day when a Stanford Grad, a Governor and a former DA doesn't know any of this . . . . .
Brace yourself. Some weather predictors say we'll be getting snow Mon-Friday. Oh boy, White Christmas. Enjoy this weekend, dry but COLD. I love Victorian Christmas in the snow. Hope to see you there Wednesday. There also will be Victorian Christmas 2 Sundays this year, the 13th and 20th.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tiger, what up?

If you haven't turned on the news or read a paper in the past few days, you probably don't know that the usually "untouchable" Tiger Woods had a predicament at home last weekend. For unknown reasons, he left his estate at 2:30am in the Caddy SUV, and immediately hit a fire plug and a tree. His wife used a golf club to break the rear window and get the semi-conscious golfer out of the car. He's not talking. Which begs the questions, Tig, where ya going at 2:30, and why did wifie have a golf club in hand? On Rachel Maddow last night, a reporter put this out there: "Well, apparently the wife was mad about something, and went after him with a 4 iron. Tiger tried to flee. The cops asked him how many times the wife clobbered him. His reply, "I think 6 times, but put her down for 4." Best line I've heard yet. Golfers will get it . . . .

Sunday, November 29, 2009


WOW, were you here for the wind storm Saturday morn? It was blowin' as good as I've ever seen it. Power was out from about 8am till 2pm (thanks PG&E, you got things going quick considering). I haven't seen any big trees down in CS, but heard a few fell in town. There is however about 2" of evergreen branches all over the yard. I figure it's just God's way of telling me it's time to make wreaths! It was plenty freaky sitting in the house hearing the snapping of LARGE branches all morning. In contrast, today was calm with a beautiful gentle warm breeze stirring about. I was trying to do cleanup today, and came face to face with a beautiful doe, just 2 or 3 feet from me before we realized each other was there! There was a fence between us, but still, it was wonderful to be so close to such a beautiful girl. I have seen more wildlife in the past few weeks than I did all summer. Deer, bear, fox and wild turkeys. Be careful out there. Share the road (also with those kamikaze bike riders). The union reported 3 bears have been hit by cars in the Brunswinck/Idaho Maryland area recently. Sad for the bear, sad for the driver. Those bears can jump in front of your car faster than you think. Wouldn't hurt for us all to slow down . . .
It was a perfect day to put up Christmas lights, etc. and I stopped to watch Bill Carter putting his up (masterfully, of course). Walked by the store to see if I could catch the new owners . . . no one there yet. Talked to Carol Carter on the way back. Discussed the Christmas Party at the Firehouse on Dec. 12th. Santa will be there again. Be sure to bring the little ones. It's a great time for all, and good photo op. Always free, as sponsored by Cascade Shores Women's Club.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thrift tip of the week

Went to the Zion Cancer Thrift to pick up a few decorations. In the parking lot, I noticed 6 artificial Christmas Trees, still in their original boxes. All were 6 ft. or better, in the $20 - $25 range, and looked to be in perfect condition. Then went to B & C, and observed a woman purchasing a same tree new for $199! Just in case you're in the market . . . . . there were many, many lovely decorations and ornaments to choose from . . . . all the thrifts have their years collections of Christmas stuff out. Isn't it nicer to help a local charitably organization out with a purchase than a corp? (though I consider B&C a local business, and yes, I do try to shop local).
FYI, anything you see in the parking lot of the Zion Thrift is 1/2 price.
Next Wed is the first Victorian Christmas Fair in Nevada City. I think that this Friday night is the first Cornish Christmas in Grass Valley. This Friday night also is the Miners (NU High School Football) home game playing a championship playoff game. Lots o f fun, and good burgers! Go Miners. NU girls volleyball is kickin' butt too. Go Lady Miners! We went to game's last year to watch Henry Harrison play (his senior year). The Harrisons (Brian and Lisa and kids) live down in Gas Canyon around the corner from Lost Mine Lake. Henry is now at University of So. Oregon and getting some playtime I hear. Brian Harrison did a 500 sq. ft. addition on our house last year. We added a beautiful cathedral ceiling living room, front porch and extended the back deck. Brian was an amazing contractor. He gave us the exact room we wanted, on time, on budget and was a complete professional, and totally nice guy. If you ever need work done, he's the man (you can find his info on our service provider list Thanks Brian. We're decorating for our 2nd Christmas in the "new room" and it looks mah-va-lous. There is not one thing I would change.
Friar Tucks has a Monday Night football menu that's good, and inexpensive. Fun place to watch the game! I'm still a sucker for their fondue's.

my cousin Sally

just called to ask why I'm not blogging anymore. Well, my desktop computer was acting up (despite the many talks we had about that) and my new laptop wasn't connected yet. But now I'm connected and WIRELESS for the first time in my life . . . so, back in business. Sally, who lives in Atlanta, Ga. says she likes to read about our "small town living." So this is for you Sal.
Today is Keith and Patricia's last day owning Cascade Shores General Store. The new owners will be giving it a go in the very new future. I plan to go get the "skinny" from them as soon as I see life there . . . curious what their business plan will be.
My friends Shera and Terry took me to town for birthday lunch today. We walked Mill St. in GV to get into the Christmas mood. Man, those stores change hands often, as we visited a half dozen shops I didn't know were there. Anyway, went into the Bamboo store. Have you had a chance to feel the fabric they make from bamboo? Heavenly!!! There is a specialty store on Mill by Main "Florio's" owned by a young local guy, Neil Sarchett. He has a wonderful selection of olive oil and flavored balsamic vinegar that you can taste test. The pear, fig, and strawberry balsamic's were good enough to drink! We bought some and even dip bread into in instead of butter or oil, or dress a salad with no need for oil. He bottles it for you right out of the jugs. It makes a great gift. Yuba Blue if just full of wonderful new gift items. Their buyer sure has a good eye.
If you weren't here, we got our first snow last Friday. Funny, it snowed on the lake side of store, but not over here on our side. Mike Inglis told me he was moving his boat to town when it came down, and almost didn't make it out Pasquale for the slipping and sliding.
Phil and I were just coming down the steep part of the big hill the other day when a medium sized bear jumped in front of us crossing the road. That part of the hill is a regular bear crossing, so be careful out there. He was sure fat and jiggly, and quite beautiful. I don't think our bears hibernate, they seem to be active all winter.
Propane season is here. Remember, if you want to save 20-30% on your Suburban bill, join the CSHA and you'll get the member discount.
Thaaaaat's all folks. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Went with Dixie and Phil today to see Michael Jackson's "This is it!." I was totally blown away. I've always been a fan of Michael's awe inspiring talent, but this movie really demonstrates all of his positive traits. The consumate professional, a man who can get 150% out of all the also talented musicians, dancers and creative people in his world without raising his voice hardly above a whisper (check it out Christian Bale) . His natural rhythm and a beautiful voice that matches any instrument gave me the chills, his lyrics are so moving. It occured to me throughout the film that he is ageless. He could be 40, 30 or even 20 the way he moves, so hard to believe he was 50. The way he achieves perfection in all aspects of the concert was inspiring. And he does it all without breaking a sweat. No doubt if he had lived to complete the tour, he would be back on top again as one, if not THE greatest entertainer. I know I'm blathering, but I felt it was that good. Hope you check it out. I'd like to hear what you thought.
Bless you Michael, and bless your children. You will live forever in your art and contribution to music and dance.

Am I the last person to know?

that the county FINALLY paved the cross road that links Quaker Hill to Banner Lava Cap? Catch it at the top of the big hill, you know, the one that was gravel before. Still has the "unpaved" sign, but it's paved. Well, it's smooth like butter now. That is such a safer route to Brunswick when it's icy. Anything to avoid that luge run they call Red Dog!
If you are going to Nevada City for a stroll on Halloween, don't miss the haunted house on School St. off N. Pine. I went by today and they are doin' it up again. It's fantastic every year, and just grows and grows. Last time we went the line was 30 minutes to get into house, but actually there is as much if not more going on in the parking lot, plus you get to see all the ghouls that are in line!
Happy Halloween ya'll. Aren't the fall colors amazing right now. It's supposed to be in the high 70's this weekend. Take a walk on the ditch trails. It'll blow you mind!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Need that last minute Halloween costume? Go to Solstice

We got a call from an old friend of Phil's, and the friends daughter recently opened a vintage clothing/furniture/seasonal stuff store on Pine St. in NC (across from Yabobo) called Solstice. We went to see the shop. Laura had similar shops in Jackson, Ca (another goldrush town on hwy 49 southerly) and really has a knack at this stuff. WHAT A GREAT SHOP. She has tons of new and vintage (used) fun, pretty and interesting items. Right now she has tons of costume/halloween stuff for the season, and really reasonably priced.
She purchases your clothing/jewelry items for cash, or gives store credit. I highly recommend the place. God luck Laura, Nevada City needed you! She also refurbushed this beautiful space. Be sure to notice the perfectly refinished original floors.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Firehouse Book Exchange

Thanks to everyone who donated books and tapes, shelving and kept things tidy this year at our community book exchange. The rainy season is upon us, so we have cleared out all the excess books and magazines, and put most of the "keepers" inside the firehouse. A few books will remain in the top two shelves of metal cabinet. PLEASE DO NOT BRING ANYMORE BOXES TO EXCHANGE THIS YEAR. They just get wet and have to be thrown out.
Also, a few folks seem to have decided that dumping unwanted items (bed, clothing) at the firehouse was a good way to get rid of it. NOOOOOOO! Please, pass the word, there is no garbage pick up at the firehouse. Do not leave your unwanted items in the parking lot. Thankyou.

Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim

Just caught up on 2 weeks of the Union paper. The story about the wandering Bison's, another "only in Nevada County" is particularly interesting. Now, if you haven't read up on this, here is short version ala the "Union": Rancher in Grass Valley has a daddy, mommy and baby Bison, (aka, Buffalo). Daddy Bison dies from parasites. Mommy and Baby, along with Donkey, go "over the wall" presumably looking for Daddy Bison (I guess Bison's don't understand the finanity of death, unlike elephants). Anyway, they go for a walkabout. A few days later, a neighbor in Alta Vista sites all 3 in her yard, and calls authorities (musta been a strange sight). Donkey is rounded up, bison's escape (Donkey-0, Bisons-2). More days go by, with the whole county on the look-out. Bison owner considers hiring a "tracker" to locate and shoot Bisons, as he feels they may be an insurance liability (900 lbs of grieving Bison could mean trouble to innocent hiker.) Caring neighbor of bison owner, who spent 4 1/2 months bonding with and hand feeding Bisons offers to purchase (missing) animals, and locates another rancher with a herd of similiar critters to take in mom and baby. Negotiations ensue. After rainstorm, mommy & baby bison show up back at the ranch (usassisted, like a couple of homing pidgeons). Caring neighbor comes over to make arrangements to move her bisons to the "herd" and is met with a slaughter house truck/driver, who claims to be there only to "support" rancher. Cops are called, and everyone is ordered to freeze frame until courts can settle ownership issue (both rancher and neighbor claim to have rights of ownership). Somehow, in the midst of negotations, the price of bison went from $1100 to $4000. Whew. So, in the words of Rodney King, "can't we all just get along." Yes, birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, and herd animals need to be part of a herd. Rancher, please let Mommy and Baby Bison live with a herd they can call their own. This is not rocket science. If you care out there, throw your 2cents worth in a letter to editor at the Union, or better yet, to Sammies Friends, which is apparently trying to help raise the funds needed to purchase the two.
They could probably use some $ to help. Shooting or eating the darlings just seems wrong, donchathink?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Cascade Mini Mart????

One of the first things I learned upon returning home is that the Cascade General Store has been sold and will be doing business as Cascade Mini Mart. Some folks from town have purchased, and they own 2 or 3 mini marts and the store on Ridge Rd and Alta. Good luck to them. It would be nice to have a convenience store. Heard they also will have a deli counter. The changeover should take place soon.
Today was the kids Halloween party put on by Womens Club at the firehouse. It was fun as usual, and Carol Carter and the ladies supplied all the amazing goodies and treats for kids and parents attending, along with bingo, musical chairs, pinata and craft making. Met a new family from Nugget street who were pushing a baby buggy with 4 day old Laney inside, along with their other 2 kids. They moved away from a house on Nuggett 4 years ago over to highway 20 side, and missed the old neighborhood so moved back with their growing family. They said they missed the "community" of the shores, so bought the house next door to their former shores house. Welcome back. That's a nice story. And by the way, Laney is already a ravishing beauty.
While I was experiencing the "noreaster" on Cape Cod, apparently we were having quite a storm here too. Took a day to clean up the fall out from the rain and wind. Enjoyed every minute of it. The smell of the wet dirt and pine trees is intoxicating. Enjoy these warm days. I think winter is very near. By the way, the colors were late coming in Boston due to a warm spell. It is far more colorful here right now! Be sure to drive up Nevada Street in town. Breathtaking.
For you that know and love Shera Banbury, she has found herself a beautiful new home in Grass Valley to buy. She'll be moving in early November and is very excited to be back in her own casa.
Dixie ran a press release in her blog about the 5 mile house reopening on Hwy. 20. That is a beautiful building, and it sounds like the have a great new menu. Good luck to them. That is a tough location in winter, but love the drive in the nice weather. To bad there wasn't a bridge from here to the hwy 20 side. It's such a short distance as the crow flies. But it is only 5 minutes from Broad St.

Love that Dirty Water

Back from Boston. If you're my age, you remember that song (Love that dirty water, Boston you're my home). Let me tell ya, no dirty water there. Boston is clean as a whistle (how clean is a whistle anyway) and I loved every second of the 2 1/2 days there. Hit all the landmarks, Paul Revere's house, North Church (oldest) where the lantern was hung, Green Dragon Pub (constitution and revolutionary war papers drawn), the harbor, the incredible North End with Italian bakeries to die for. If there were important decisions or papers to be written, our forefathers did it at a pub over beer. Visited many cemetaries where all the statemen and pilgrams and even our first freed slaves were buried, and pirates hung. The historical bars are not even tourist traps! They serve real food, at real prices, and hardly had anyone in them! 4 days on Cape Cod proved educational and charming as all hell. The beautiful colonial, saltbox cape coddy homes on huge expanses of lawn, and bungalows and mansions alike overlooking the bay were nothing but perfect. We were the guests at beautiful Morgan's Way B&B (relatives of my sisters) and they pointed us the right way to ProvenceTown and Chatham where shopkeepers could not be more friendly and talkative. By the way, we found Bostonians to be hands down the WORST direction givers ever. However, my sister Jackie and I loved their accents, to we asked for directions even if we didn't need them, just to hear folks talk. They would point at a spot where 4 streets came together, and say, "youz should just go datta way, (???) take 2 lefs, maybe 3 rights, and it should be on yer left, or maybe yer right." Oh yeah, good luck with that. This happened MANY times. The transit system is great, just pay $2 and ride anywhere in the system, including transfering to shuttles to airport, etc. We actually got hit by not one, but 2 "noreaster's" (always wanted to use that term) and a house on a beach near us was swept into the sea by the storm out on the cape. Well, back home now, so time to catch up!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

howz the weather?

Just landed at SFO last night after a week in Illinois. Chicago is as lively as ever. Folks don't even go out for dinner till 9pm. Streets are rockin in the evening, restaurants packed, sports bars noisy, and tourists abound. Lots of rotating weather, rain, wind, chill, calm, sun, clouds, sun again. Well, that desribes the first 15 minutes in the windy city. Hit all the quirky museums (Polish, Federal Reserve museum (history of money, where we saw actual "wampum") to name a couple. Drove 90 minutes to Wisconsin, Lake Geneva. Beautiful lake and lots of McMansions. Back to Melrose Park, the family town, where the likes of Tony Arcardo, Joey Auiupa grew up with my mother-in-law (mafia figures). Once I was showing her a Time Mag. cover with 6 of the most feared Mafia figures. She went all the way thru school with 4 of them. Anyway, lots of amazing Italian restaurants and bakeries. Filled up on Cannoli and beef sandwiches. Went to Oak Park, next town over,visited the homes of Frank Lloyd Wright (saw about 10 of his creations and his own home) Ernest Hemmingway and Edgar Rice Burroughs (Tarzan author). Fabulous neighborhoods with stately mansions and neverending grounds. Must have been amazing in the early 1900's. Lots of tycoons back then, and apparently they all tried to outdo each other by building spetacular homes and gardens. Off to Boston and CapeCod tomorrow. Talk to you later!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Shopping Local

Just read Dixies blog about shopping local, and wanted to share this. Phil and I were going to Roseville to visit cousins from Hawaii, and decided to pick up a few items to bring to the relatives we are staying with in Chicago, and a hostess gift for the Roseville cousin. You know, jam, tea, coffee type stuff. I was planning a stop at Trader Joes, lovely store, but a Corp. none the less. First, a quick stop and the Broad/Coyote St. farmers market. Grab a beautiful fall boquet for the Roseville cousin and a couple of heirloom tomatos (just about the last of the season). Traveling down Hwy 49, we saw a church yard sale. Stopped for a quick glance. Well, inside was an amazing wealth of tasty goodies. We bought sweet little jars of blackberry jam (local berries of course) Orange marmelade with great chunks of rind (from a charming LOL), local honey, FRESH, FRESH peanut brittle, and dark choc. peanut clusters, and herb tea grown right in the back yard. Filled up our little shopping bag, dropped a $20 and never had to make that stop at Joe's. Keep these folks doing what they do! It was like shopping in Grandma's cupboard. Can't wait to present the goodie bag to Auntie Roe and Uncle Tom. All deliciously homemade, ooooooooie!

CSHA Electing a new Board for 2010/are you interested?

Well, the years pass quickly, don't they. The HomeOwners Board terms are expiring after the 2009 season, and we will look forward to electing (hopefully) new blood in 2010. Myself, I have been on the board in some capasity for I think 6 years. It's been fun, educational and I've managed to make lots of lasting friendships thru the process. Hopefully, we've all helped create lots of change and improvements here in the Shores. But it is time for Kent Rees, (Pres) Caroline Inglis (Secretary) Robert Crabb, (VP, and former Pres) and myself, along with others to move on to some other challenges. So, if you are even remotely interested in seeking a volunteer position on the board, please come down to the 10/7 meeting at the Firehouse at 6:30. Check out the process and positions up for election. It's important that the Board change periodically in order to bring those new fresh iteas to light and frutation. If you can't make that meeting, try the first Wed in November, or call Kent at 265-6114 with your questions, or submit your name to the roster of candidates.
Well, the themostat tells me Fall is officially here. Hard to remember basking in 90 degrees a week ago. I walked the NID ditch the other day, and the leaves are rapidly turning yellow and red. I'm buggin out for Chicago, Boston and Cape Cod, looking for the peak fall color. Should return right around the time Nevada City is at it's peak. I'll try to check in and tell you how things are in that part of the country. Enjoy this beautiful crisp weather, and talk to you soon!
The book exchange has to be moved inside soon. Please go grab your winter selections. Someone left boxes and boxes of great VHS movies! They gotta go! Also, what deadbeat left a old full size mattress by the Firehouse door???? Why to people want to make their trash someone else's responsiblity? Baaaaad neighbor!!!! Shame. Someone want to be a good samaritan and take it to the dumps next time they go??????

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How many degrees of separation?

Refer to Dixies blog about the Foundy Party. Well, Phil and I crashed that party. Not for no apparent reason. Now follow this: my niece (we'll call her Lauren, cause her name is Lauren) met a charming young Marine, (we'll call him Nathan for obvious purposes) about 6 years ago at the dinner dance at Nevada County Air Show, where the Moonlight Swing Band was playing. The young Marine's father was/is in the band. It was a beautiful moonlit night, romance was in the air, and they actually fell quite in lust/love that warm summer night. 3 years later they were married, yes, at the Nevada County Airport. It was lovely. It was also the first time anyone had requested to be married at the airport. Anyway, flash forward. We snuck into the party last night as Nathan's father was coming over to spend the night at our house after playing. The 17 piece band play's perfectly authentic Glen Miller swing music (meticulously faithful details) and will soon have CD's available. They were impressive as always. Byline, Bruce (the father) tells me that there have been many weddings at the airport since Nathan & Laurens. So romantic, saying your vows while small planes take off and land on the tree lined runway, especially near sunset. Check it out sometime. It's fun to just take a cool drink out and sit in the little park there and watch the private and CDF planes. By the way, nice to meet you in person Tom!

Firehouse Book Exchange

Wow, is there ever an assortment of books at the exchange right now. And that's AFTER we sold $1 a bag at the yard sale. Be sure and go down and grab your winter reading ASAP, as we have to box up most of the books when the rain (rain?) begins. I noticed today that someone dropped 2 HUGE boxes of VHS movies off. I scoped alot of good ones. If you are still VHS friendly, be sure to go grab them. Thanks to many of you who have helped keep the books orderly this year. The exchange was a very successful experiment.
I went to the discussion at the Firehouse last Wed. with Sarah Holm from Dept. of Fish & Game. Very interesting. Some very reassuring stats: from 1890-2007, there have been 12 mountain lion attacks in California, resulting in 6 fatalities. That's not many. Seems that the big cats avoid us like the plague, for real. I did recently talk to 2 young men who said they were chased by a lion down by the blue pond behind Lost Mine Lake. They ran, (big no-no in mt. lion etiquette) and the cat chased. Fortunately they got away. Also heard from another guy at the yard sale that said one was on his BQ Hill property last week. Sarah also assurred us that our Black Bears (Ursus Americanus, and they are Black Bears, even if they are brown or blonde in color) have never killed a human in California. I checked up on that in Wikipedia, and found one kill in Santa Cruz County, 1875. The Wick status say 52 black bear/human attacks from 1900-2003, to wit:
Alaska-5, lower 48-11, and Canada-36. Proving that better health care plans do not make bears any less grouchy, or hungry. By the way, Grizzly's, Kodiak's and Mexican Browns are all Brown Bears (ursus actos) and Polars are in a class of their own (ursus maritimus). Don't you just love Wikipedia? I'm almost smarter than a 5th grader. . . . . . Factoid: Sarah said a female black bear probably tops out at 200lb, and male 350lb. They sure look heavier than that when you're 20 feet or so from them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Dixies little secret

Has Dixie bragged, or is she just too modest, that she's lost 30 lbs on Weight Watchers plan. I'm so mad. If I'd joined her in this "home improvement" project, I'd be done. Instead, I'm going to be passing on the pie and cookies at Christmas if I want to match her loss. Anyway, I'm turning myself in to WW as soon as I return from vacation. You are an inspiration and role model Dix. Congrats! You look M-A-H-V-E-L-O-U-S! (and I know, I saw her in a swimsuit yesterday)


Many thanks to all the sellers at Saturdays community yard sale at the Firehouse. It was a perfect warm fall day, and 9 different residents came down to offer treasures. Chuck Jaffe was participating for the first time, and was thrilled to return home to a roomy garage for the first time in a LONG time. Shannon Clark put her girls to work selling lots of odds and ends. Becky was there with a wonderful array of lanterns and yard stuff. Herb and Judie Speller had lots of collectables, and on and on. Many donations were made to the Cascade Shores booth, helping us to sell nearly $300 worth of glassware, household items, furnishing & clothing. Many thanks to all that donated. The lunch counter (hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and soda/water) made a few bucks, and thanks to Kent and John J for BBQ'ing. Also thanks to Mike and Caroline Inglis, Terry Athanasopouls and Clea for putting stuff out, organizing and selling, and eventually packing up the unsold for donation to Cancer Thrift on Zion. I'll tell you, this is a wonderful, fun, generous community. Thanks all for an altogether great event.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lots going on the Weekend

Just a reminder,
Saturday is the Sidewalk sale in Nevada City. BUT if you want a real deal , come down to the Firehouse on Saturday for a great community yard sale. 10 different sellers, and I'd had a sneak preview, and there's some pretty cool stuff. . . . . be sure to go inside firehouse too for clothes and kids stuff. CSHA is serving hot dog and hamburger lunch with chips and soda, CHEAP.
Also, an industrious child is having a lemonade stand. There also is a restroom in firehouse for those serious shoppers who need a pit stop.
Sunday is the Womens Triathalon, and many streets here plus Pasquale are closed from 7am till 2pm. It's really fun to go down and cheer the women on. Phil likes that they have their ages written on the back of their calves, and he can try to guess . . . . It's a great cause, giving money to Sierra Nevada Hospital Imaging Center, which helps women needing mammograms, and funds also go to sponsoring students going into medicine.
Walked Pasquale today. WOW, the road crew is doing an amazing job. Lots of curves were majorly widened, road resufaced and tree's thinned. Next year will come some much need guard rails. The changes should make the drive way less hairy in winter.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mateo's Public (Old Country Rose)

Your neighbors, Matt and Michelle Marguiles re-opened the old Country Rose restaurant on Commercial St. in Nevada City, and it is now called Matteo's Public. My main "foodie" friends came up last weekend so we decided to try it out. Good move! I've always loved the building and beautiful garden/patio, and now the food is great too! We all shared fish and chips, which had wonderful tender fish in a really light batter, and wonderfully interesting chips. Four of us noshed the Stinky mac and cheese, and could barely finish the generous helping. We also shared the pulled pork, and salad bar. This of course left room for dessert, and we passed around the Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake, Irish Cream Mousse and Tiramisou. All decadent and wonderful (well, the Mousse was on the light side, and great flavor). Washed it all down with great wine and beer. Service good, atmosphere great, music entertaining, food satisfying. Thanks Matt, that corner needed a new face. I'll be back for the steak sandwich soon! Can't wait to gobble the mac and cheese one cold fall or winter day too!
Have you checked out the website Regular folks like you and me review restaurants, services, etc. It's a great help when traveling!

Friday, September 4, 2009

New hours for Cascade Shores General Store (cafe)

Keith at the store has just added a page to our website regarding their later summer/fall hours. Click on DINING OUT on the left side of homepage for that info. They are still having Taco Tuesdays with $1 tacos and drafts, and weekend specials. So you don't have to go far if you don't feel like cooking on the weekends.
I just got back from 5 days in the Bay Area, including a wonderful day in Golden Gate park with friends. I'll give you a report when i get a second to regroup!
The community yard sale is still on for Sat. 09/19, from 8-4pm. Call me if you want to have a booth (265-8680), or be sure to drop by to shop or grab a lunch bite! CSHA will have hamburgers and hot dogs, chips and drinks, and the price is right!
Remember, the 20th is the womens triathalon. Some streets by lake will be blocked until 1pm ish. It's always fun to go and support the event that raises money for the breast imaging center at Sierra Nevada Hosp in Grass Valley. Every woman deserves an annual mamogram!
Susan Wallace of Scooter's Pals has quite a few small dogs looking for a home right now. If you can give a little dog a good home and are interested, be sure to call her at 265-9335. Susan thinks small dogs do better in adult homes. Little kids can be a little rough and scary for a 7-10 lb dog, and cause them to snap to protect themselves. Makes sense.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Open house at the Leydon's

PS: See previous report. Beth reminds me that she is having an open house on her new home/vacation rental on 09/12, 09/13. Check her ad for phone number to call for directions. (clue: it's a long sweeping driveway on the right when you are about 1/2 way down Gas Canyon).

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Needing extra space for friends/relatives visit?

I stopped in a few weeks ago to see the progress on a new home on Gas Canyon. Beth and Michael Leydon have build a BEE-U-TIFUL log home overlooking Gas Canyon and LM Lake.
They did most of the finish work. Michael is a painting contractor, and Beth is multi talented and has impecible taste. The stonework, cabinetry, and special touches are impressive in this rustic home. The good news is that they plan to rent it as a vacation home. So, look under VACATION RENTALS on home page, and go to the ad, and from there to her link for pics and info. The house sleeps 10, and has lots of amenities, including kayaks. Check it out! What a great place to house those extra family reunion guests, wedding guests, etc.

More construction on Pasquale this week - Sept.

According to Yuba Net, the road construction on Pasquale Rd. resumes this week. Bike riders use caution over next few weeks. There will be delays for both bikes and vehicles. Can't wait to see the improvements we've all been hoping for!
The community yard sale at Firehouse is planned for Sept. 19th, day before the Triathalon. Burgers and dogs, chips and drinks will be served. Please come by. I am also selling raffle tickets for WOW. You can win a beautiful hand dyed silk quilt by Nancyan Tracy. WOW helps women escape abusive environments to start new and peaceful lives for themselves and their children. Great organization.

I'm baaaaack! Actually I've been here all the time

Hi! For you three that follow my blog, I have been MIA only because my two beautiful 10 and 12 year old great-nieces from Eugene, Oregon, Karson and Britt, have been visiting for 2 wonderful weeks. Moms, how do you do it? They kept me hoppin' morning till midnight. First, 12 hours of rides at the Fair. Then, visits to every body of water in Nevada County. 1st, Scotts Flat Lake of course for kayaking and swimming. Lost Mine Lake for dunking dogs and hanging out. Dixie's "High Camp" for pool swim, and our back yard for hot tubbing. Then camping on the Yuba for 2 days, and visiting various swimming holes there, then repeat, repeat. We also decided to celebrate Harry Dog's 15th birthday, which we billed as "Harry's Happy 100th." We baked and assembled appetizers for a day, then invited 13 adults, 5 kids and 5 dogs for a big birthday bash. Off to the dollar store to get personalized doggie prizes. The Doggie "guardians" had to compete in games such as "pin the nose on the weiner dog" "tennis ball hunt" and word scramble using obscure dog breed names to win their dogs prize. The girls asked about each dogs personality to choose gifts, and here's what we came up with: Bonnie the Dalmation likes her night walks, so she won reflective sticks for Kent to stick on his coat and her collar. Frankie the Beagle likes anything that squeaks, so he can run in circles endlessly driving everyone nuts. He got a rubber beer can with a very loud squeaker. Pretty Maya the American Eskimo loves to sit on your lap, lean against your chest, and look up as if to say, "aren't I pretty?" Do you want to pet me?????" So Maya got a new brush. Jackson the Retriever lives for tennis balls. His mom won him a tennis ball connected to a big rope, so you can actually get the ball back from him to throw again. Duffy LOVES her long walks, but does work up a powerful thirst. So she won a portable water bowl that hangs from her collar. A great time had by all. Adults nibbled and chatted, kids and dogs ran and played. Harry seemed a bit overwealmed, so he retreated to his stroller to avoid being stepped on. At the end he was presented with a "cake" made up of hard boiled eggs stuffed with cottage cheese and yolk, with a birthday candle atop each, one per dog. He seemed genuinely happy and interested when we opened his gifts, which were cookies, steak bones, a new winter jacket and assorted toys. Thanks to all Harry's human and dog friends. This memory will last a lifetime!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dixie just turned me on to the above blog. It is twisted, but laugh out loud twisted. Ladies, if you are having trouble getting the man in your life to help around the house, read todays entry. Masterful . . .

Accident by the store?

Saw a wrecked jeep today on our 8am walk. I am told it was the result of a DUI involving 3 teens at the Pasquale/BQH intersection. Careful out there folks. There are lots of reports of people shooting the 4 way stop there doing 25-35 mph. Don't know if that was the case this time, but be aware. Some people around here think a stop sign is just a "suggesion" like they think 25MPH speed limit is a suggestion. I still see cars whiz up and down the big hill at 40-50. Scary.


The 3rd and last "Friday night movie" at firehouse was a great success. The Womens Club has been hoping to attract the preteen-teen crowd, and succeeded, with about 30 movie watchers last week. Sharon Hogan & family provided the movie set up, Barbie Feyh donated the CrackerJacks, and Carol Carter collected food donations for food bank. I only made it to the 2nd night, but it is just great, with the almost full moon rising over the firehouse, and bats darting about overhead. Folks even brought their pooches. Brings back memories of sneaking into the drive'ins of the 60's. Please continue this tradition ladies!
Speaking of movies, Dixie, Phil and I went to see Julie & Julia on Sat. night. Cascade Shores was well represented with us, Chuck and Marvina Jaffee (Chuck is the Union movie reviewer),Karen and Skip Hatton, but it was a full house and I think the Hatton's ducked out to another movie. As you may or may not know, this is actually two stories meshed. First, it's about Julia Childs living in Paris and attending the Cordon Bleu in the 50's, to become a chef as so to teach french cooking, which eventually led to her writing a VERY famous cook book, MASTERING THE ART OF FRENCH COOKING, not to mention one of the first TV cooking shows, and a parody on SNL by Akroyd, no less. Simutaneously, it's about a woman named Julie, who in the 90's pledged to cook all 524 of Child's receipes in one year, and wrote a blog about the project, that eventually became a book and then this movie. Whew. Anyway, as played by the genius Merle Streep, Julia Childs is incredibly quirky and funny, and Amy Adams as Julie is cute as a bug & inspirational in her dedication to the task. You know a movie hit the mark when the whole audience gives it a standing ovation, which they did. If the subject interests you, see it. I smell an Oscar Nomination for Streep (what's new).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Grandparent Baby Boom

Well, there are 2 sets of new proud grandparents in the shores. Olivia Diaz & Ernie Malamud welcomed Ava Olivia Kerns on 8/8/09, 7lb3oz, 20". What a patient wait that was. Little A.O.K. is the daughter of Olivia's daughter Leslie, & hubby Keith Kerns. First child for both. Congrats.
Caroline and Mike Inglis welcomed their new grandson last week, first born to their son Joe and his beautiful wife Katherine. Don't have the stats on him, but I saw pics and he is a beautiful healthy boy named Ben (what a strong name). That makes 3 grandkids for Caroline & Mike. Contrats to all.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cascasde Shores Community Flea Market/Yard Sale

CSHA has changed the date of the annual community yard sale at the Firehouse to Sat, 9/19.
If you want a space, call me at 265-8680. $10 gives you a space, $15 will give you a space and 6' table. Kids can have a space for free (if you want to encourage the little ones to sell the toys they don't play with anymore, clothes that don't fit, sports equipment). If you would just like to donate items to the CSHA booth, call me, and we can arrange to drop off/pick up. We will advertise on KNCO, the Union, and posters, and will provide free coffee and pastries in AM, and Hot Dog/Hamburger/chips/drinks will be for sale. It's a really fun day, and a great way to meet the neighbors and barter or buy cool stuff.

Saving animals, one at a time

Last Saturday I volunteered at Sammie's Friends 5th anniversary celebration. After speaking with Cheryl Wicks, who started SF, and Susan Wallace, who started Scooter's Pal's, I finally understand the difference between these 2 organizations, so I'll share it with you. Cheryl, who has worked tirelessly to reduce the euthanasia rate for Nevada County Shelter, provides funds, thru donations, to get medical care for shelter animals so they can become adoptable. She also helps family pets when the family cannot afford vet care. She also takes thousands of pounds of pet food to N. San Juan and the town of Washington, to feed "underpriviledged" pets.
Susan Wallace, (you may remember, a few years ago her carpet cleaner savagely attacked her with a knife, burned her house down, and killed 2 of her 3 dogs in the fire) started Scooter's Pals in memory of her deceased pooch. Susan takes animals, mostly dogs, from the shelter that are deemed "unadoptable" perhaps due to breed, age or behaviour. She rehabs them, finds foster care, and tries to help them find permanent families. She is kind of a "last chance saloon." Yes, she will even take on the 15 year old poodle with cataracs, etc. Bless her soul.
Anyway, if you can help either of these organizations with time, money or volunteer at events, they would love to hear from you. It is incredibly rewarding. I am planning to "babysit" dogs from Susan when their foster parents go on vacation, etc, & work at the "adoptathons."

Friday, July 31, 2009

Run your business ad on & newsletter

CSHA will be putting the fall newsletter out in a few months. It goes to all 180 members. Do you have a business or service you would like to advertise? It will stay on the website for a year, and be in both the fall newletter and spring newsletter (which goes to ALL cascade shores homeowners (400 or so). All that for $20. Absolutely the best advertising bang for your buck. Call me at 265-8680 or email me at You do not need to be a CSHA member to advertise with us.
2nights outdoor Firehouse movie is Pink Panther II. starts at 8:30 ish. Free crackerjacks, bring a comfy chair, and if you can, a non-perishable item for the foodbank.
No one claimed the little black and white puppy found on Sailor Flat Rd, so he got himself a brand new 4ever home, with his own 10 year old boy, and a built in doggie mom. I hear he's real happy. That turned out well . . . .

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bumper Crop of new books are Firehouse Book Exchange

Some wonderful soul parked a new oak bookcase and tons of new books at the exchange. A treasure trove of cookbooks (my weakness). Stop by and grab some.
We are woefully understocked on kids books. They go as fast as they arrive. If you want to purge some from your home, bring em down!
FYI: LML will be rented Saturday for the day to Quail Ridge for employee appreciation.
Evenings are just so very beautiful at the lake. Check it out if you want a wonderful place to relax. I see lots of folks walking their dogs around over to the dog swim area. We are so lucky, as you can't take your dog swimming at the main gate at the big lake.
The dogs from across the street, bull dogs, unfortunately think that LML is their private fishing spot. Though I try to send them packing, as they are unattended, I must admit I find their fishing techniques facinating. They both stalk the fish quietly for about 5 minutes, then dive COMPLETELY under the water for about 40 seconds. They either come up with a rock (???) or a fish every time. Luckily, they believe in catch and release, as they lay the fish on the beach, and he wiggles back into the water. It's quite a site.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Free Movie night asks for a Food Bank donation

As I've said, the movie is free on the next 2 friday nights at dark at firehouse, but Womens Club is asking for a non-perishable donation for the food bank. So even if you can't make the movie, feel free to drop something off! We always have something extra in the pantry, right folks?
Many Thanks.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Big Beautiful House on Summit Ridge

Ever check out the big modern glass and steel house at the top of Summit Ridge? It was completed about a year ago. Just heard that it is in foreclosure, and owner/builder moved back to their old house. The place was appraised at 1.1 mil, but no buyers in that range now . . . . .
I went on the "virtual" tour. It is very impressive and zen like. What a shame . . . . but a great opportunity for someone looking for a magnificient home with views forever. I think Olympia Mortage Co. in Grass Valley is holding the paper . . . . . I imagine it's a bargain now . . .


A beautiful black and white pit-bull mix has been found in Gas Canyon on Sailor Flat. He is about 4 months old, and a real sweet little guy. Do you know who he belongs to???? Please call 530-210-1488 with info/to claim. Thanks!
Would you care to list your home rental/vacation rental on We can publish your ad or link to your ad. Let us know. Nominal fee. Call Denise at 265-8680 or email Mention CS Ad in subject line.
RATTLESNAKE ALERT AT LML and Cascade Shores. Upon leaving the parking lot at 6PM last night. I spotted a young rattler slithering around the parking lot. Reluctantly I had to "put him to sleep" for the safety of people and dogs. Please be careful and scout before you let the kids/dogs run around. The heat is causing the rattlers to seek shade/coolness, and what's better than a shrub surrounded lake.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Movie night at Firehouse

About 30 people attended the viewing of Wall-e last Friday night at the Firehouse. Free movie and crackerjacks. Just bring a chair and bankie. Womens Club will show 2 more movies on the next 2 Fridays, starting at dark. It's so much fun, and they are both adult and kid friendly movies. This week is PinkPanther deux (2).
Last night me, Phil, 2 visitors and Bill Carter went to LML to view the spacelab orbiting the earth. It was amazing to watch this vessle fly overhead at 17,000 MPH! About 15 minutes later we saw the another spaceship (Soviet) that was tailing the spacelab. I'll tell you, the whole logistics of space travel is way over my head, but it sure was exciting to know that you are watching, with the naked eye, a ship carrying 13 humans approximately 200 miles overhead while standing in the parking lot of Lost Mine Lake. Tonight is I guess the last night to view it, so go to one of the lakes around 9:29 and be patient. It will be obvious! Stand in the LML parking lot with the lake to your back, and it will come from over the hill in front.

Proud to be a member of this community

On the first people I met in Nevada County in 1971 was a young man named Robert (Bobby Lee) Ohrum. He lived in Washington with his mom and dad, Louise and Robert, and brother Carl. We became friends and have continually "bumped" into each other over the years, and shared a big hug and kiss and catch-up session. Last year Bobby Lee died in a single motorcycle crash on Indian Springs Road. He was 58, and was much loved here in Nevada County. I came home from my trip last week to see that his friends had held a 1 yr anniversary "poker run" and raised money in Bobby's name for a scholarship fund for the kids of Washington, and to help his mother, Louise, who he had always financially assisted. What a great community, and what great friends to keep the memory alive and make someone's life continue to help and improve others lives. Kudo's friends of Bobby Lee. I leave his email address in my book so I will be reminded of his life and kindness. I hope to participate in the run next year, and I can hear his raspy and infectious laugh whenever I think of him.

Good to be back! Kayak races at LML

Got back from Oregon last Tues. Whew it's good to be home. Immediately set out for the Yuba River in the town of Washington. Water is slow, cool and perfect temperature. Friends Shera Banbury and Sue Stone joined me and we lollygagged in the water for 3 hours without so much as a chill. I highly suggest a visit, so good for the body, so good for the soul. I also stopped into the Washington Cafe for the BEST grilled chicken sandwich on a wonderful fresh french roll, yum. It is such a pleasure to sit on the back porch of a 150 year old hotel, 75 feet above the river, and gaze at the emerald green waters of the Yuba, watching school after school of trout and catfish pass by, and countless hummers feeding from the hanging feeders. The propane tank painted to look like a giant watermelon always makes me chuckle.
Yesterday (Sat) was the 3rd annual Kayak Race and family picnic at LML. What a perfect day, and at least a dozen kids got to learn how to row a kayak. The learning curve is short, and they all took to it, well, like kids to a kayak. All were racing, spinning and back paddling in a matter of minutes. It was such a pleasure to watch them having tons of fun in the lake. Also, the $4 burger, chip and drink deal was unbeatable, plus salad! Thanks Homeowners Assn. for giving adult and kids a chance to just go to the lake, soak up the sun, watch the kids, dip into the water, and just forgetaboutit! By the way, LML's water test got high marks for swimming, and the remodeling of the bathrooms is finished and they are spotless! Also, we have been able to replace both the fridge at the lake and firehouse, with newer energy efficient models. It's time to book your rental if you want the lake "exclusively."
Mother goose, Pops and the 3 babes are still hanging out at LML. Why leave? I've been so worried about the mom account of her broken leg, that I've been feeding her premium birdseed to boost her health, and I know Gary Kilday pampers her with stale bagles and the like. Anyway, now when they see me, instead of hissing and fleeing, they surround me looking for their peanuts and sunflower seeds! When I left a few weeks ago, the babes were still just brown fluffy kids. Now they are transformed into sleek black canadian's. What a difference. Anyway, Mom's leg seems much improved, and I guess we should start weaning them from the premium food so they'll fly away to whereever they go. . . .

Monday, July 20, 2009

Berry picking and wine tasting in Oregon

Been in Oregon 2 weeks, finally got a day of R&R. My brother-in-law, visiting friends in the next town, and I decided to visit to a few fruit farms & check out the Willamette Valley, just minutes from Eugene. After spending about 1 hour picking only 3 lbs of blueberries, (you gotta pick only the best!) we seriously needed a wine break. We drove about 40 minutes into the valley, (beautiful roads, wish I had my motorcycle) and came upon King Estate. It is perched high on a hill, surrounded by 1,033 acres of magnificeint vineyards and lavender fields. It was soooooo Falcon Crest. No time for the tour, but they treated us to about 10 different tastings (man, are their generous) and every wine was better than the last. We then had a ***** lunch on the veranda overlooking the whole incredible property. This winery is only 18 years old, and you would swear you are in a centuries old French chateau. Views forever, EXCELLENT FOOD, fantastic service. I highly recommend you try it if you are in the area, though there are many good wineries from which to choose. I should be traveling home tomorrow. Sure missing Nevada County and home, but there is lots to see and do here.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Why in Eugene, Ore?

A few have asked why I am in Oregon. Well, I am visiting with my sister Linda, who is about to have her 6th cancer operation. This one will hopefully restore her ability to walk (broken bones due to radiation therapy and bone density loss/cancer). My sister is amazing. She has been what most would view as totally disabled by the disease for the past 2 years, but was still working at her University job until a few weeks ago. She lives with her daughter and 4 grandchildren (ages 16, 14, 12, 10) and though they are all her primary caretakers, she still has great presence and contributes to their daily lives. Right now they are riding the waves in Oceanside, Ca, taking a well deserved break from caring for "Grammy." So we are having 10 wonderful days of "sister time," something that we hardly ever found time for during normal healthy days. Linda's spirits are high, and her expectations from the surgery hopeful, and every moment with her is precious. We watch movies, play games, and mostly discuss childhood and old times, but also current events, between her many daily naps. It is amazing how many calls and cards she receives daily from the wonderful people who have touched her life, and whose lives she has touched. I thank the powers that be than I have both time and health, and that this time with my sister is possible. I also have a wonderful husband that is at home taking care of all our "children"and holding down the fort.Publish Post
Life is grand.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

First rattlesnake report of the season

Mike on Mt. View reports a "teenage" rattler on his property, which he reluctantly killed (you gotta protect the kids and pets, and yourself). He was wondering if there is an alternative to having to kill the snake, but that's a tough one. Anyway, be on the lookout. Don't go reaching into bushes and such without taking a look first. I had 2 wrapped around my garden hose once, and would not have seen them (they blended so well) had it not been for my trusty Doxie giving me a heads up (he loves to corner snakes, raccoons and skunks, and is a better mouser that either of my cats).
By the way, the best mix I have found for getting the oily stink off the dog when he gets skunk sprayed is 50/50 lemon joy and hydrogen peroxide. Mix and use a cloth loaded up with the stuff to wipe the sprayed area, then bathe the dog with a strong shampoo (I use a herbal scented organic shampoo). However, every time the dog gets wet again it will reactivate the smell . . . . ugh. I told you Harry likes to corner skunks. . . . . .

Looking for a new best friend? Why animal style???

Janis Johnson of CS has friends who found a "well trained, gentle mannered honey of a dog" up on Hwy 80 by Dutch Flat. He looks like a Portugese Water Dog (Obama's choice) but may be a Labradoodle (both much coveted breeds). Anyway, Janis's friend Peggy at 274-9242 would love a call from a deserving person looking for a wonderful new best friend. I have a picture but can't upload. He obviously has great character, judging from his handsome smile!
Mystery solved. You know how on the secret menu at IN And OUT BURGERS, grilled onions are referred to as "animal style?" Heard the reason on radio today. When surfers came in to an LA In & Out and ordered their burgers with grilled onions, the clean cut kids working the counter referred to the surfers as "animals." Hence, the grilled onion order became animal style. Did you also know that their is a biblical message on the bottom of the drink cups, and on the burger wrappers? That's because one of the higher-ups in the company is a Born Again Christian, and wanted the message spread, discreetly . . . . The author of a book on In & Out culture clued me in . . . . . .a whole book???????

Sunday, July 12, 2009


This is a really fun event at LML. You can bring your kayak or borrow one from us. Prizes for the persons making the best time around the little island. Burgers and trimmings for sale, and ice cream and otterpops for the kids. Check the calendar for time and details. All invited, no charge (except for burgers).

Raining in Oregon

Well, it's just another rainy Oregon day. Thunder clouds moved in and made lots of noise and rain all afternoon. Good day for housecleaning . . .and reading . . . and drinking coffee . . . I'll bet the sun's shining in Nevada County
Someone emailed me to ask if walking group is still going strong. Answer: yes. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8am SHARP at firehouse. 3 mile round trip down Pasquale. Friendly dogs welcome. Takes about 1 hr.
Reminder: if you are a CSHA member, and a Surburban Propane customer, you can take your portable tanks to their Brunswick Basin location and get them filled at your CSHA discount rate. That will cost you about HALF what you pay to exchange a tank at the grocery stores
We will probably be changing the date of the community yard sale held at Firehouse parking lot in September, as the weekend we picked conflicts with some big events (is there ever a weekend that doesn't) Will keep you posted when rescheduled. We are planning a few extra services at the sale this year. Some recycling and fire education stuff, and we are offering kids to have a free booth to sell their stuff.
Did you read Dixies harrowing tale of her friend almost drowning on full moon kayak night? Well, all's well that ends well. Karen is OK, and the kayak and contents were rounded up by employees at the boat harbor across the way, and towed back to our side. Good work Dixie in saving Karen's life! We all need to practice getting back into our boat if we accidentally end up in the "drink."

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Lost Mine Lake's water test on Monday passed for swimming with flying colors (up to county standards). Kent Rees (CSHA Pres) and I have been working on (manually) removing some of the grasses growing from the lake floor, and collecting the algae. We will treat the algae again soon to help it settle to the bottom of lake. Kent is also have a consultation from a HealthyLake company to see what can be done about our sweet little lake trying to turn itself back into a meadow! The water plants are really trying to take over. We shall persevere!!
A few days after I commented that there were lots of kids books at the exchange, I went down and they were just about gone. So if you have any to donate, they are needed. The kids really like to take advantage of the books during the summer months. Don't ya just love that in this tv/dvd age.
I am in Eugene, Oregon for a couple of weeks. I love reading the local papers in small towns. A local "conservative" radio station was having trouble with transmission in Eugene's 90degree heat last weekend, and letters to the editor strongly suggested that the Obama administration was at the bottom of it. .. on account of the radio station being down on the demos.. . . .Does the White House know where Eugene, Oregon is? Oh, maybe they do. Michelle's brother is a college coach just a few hours down the road.
Gas is $2.59, and they pump it for you, WITH A SMILE. Sure can't figure how then can sell it cheaper than California, and pay employees. There must be a conspiracy theory there . . .

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Firehouse Book Exchange/BETTERWORLDBOOKS.COM

Went down to the exchange to see if it needed sprucing up, and lo and behold, it was all neat and pretty well stocked. Thanks whoever. Also, some book angel donated lots of BIG books for kids. Beautiful BIG books. So check it out. We are always needing good books and magazines for summer, so feel free to bring or take some.
I just saw a mention of BETTERWORLDBOOKS.COM on TV, so I visitied the website. They have an amazing selection of used and new books, great prices, and FREE SHIPPING (take that Amazon.). Also, they donate 10% to libraries that donate books to them, and to literacy programs. I love those socially responsible companies. Check it out.

Friday, July 3, 2009

movies that make you squirm

I went to the last showing at the Del Oro of Taking of Pelham 123. Now, I adored the original with Walter Matteau and Robert Shaw, and did not expect to be thrilled again. But let me tell you, Travolta was INTENSE as the bad guy, playing to Denzel Washington's good guy. I was on the edge of my seat even knowing the basic plot. Great job with the action Ridley Scott (director) and an interesting "updated" script. If you didn't catch it at the movies, and you like to squirm, rent it! Today me and hubby went to Public Enemies, the Johnny Depp movie about John Dillinger. It was good, he's wonderful to look at, but didn't have near the impact of Pelham.
I got a call today from Dave's Sierra Firewood advertising discount on early wood orders. I love your oak wood Dave, but PLEASSSE, I can't think about winter right now! Gonna be a perfect weekend for the lake. The kayaks are permanently loaded on the truck and we're off to the water. Stay cool ya'll.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Road Work on Pasquale 6/27 - 7/9/2009

The road work on Pasquale kicks off today - July 9th. They will be working the area from Mill Springs Dr. to Santa Fe Trail from 6:30 -4PM, with 30 minute to 1 hr delays. I assume they will post on Red Dog and in Cascade Shores.
As of July 1st all burning is prohibited, permit or no permit. We are in high fire season already, so be careful out there with chain saws and motorcycles. I remember a few years ago that a fire was started in dry grass by a horse's horseshoe creating a spark on rock. It doesn't take much.
CDF finished cutting and burning manzanita and brush at LML last week. Thanks to the crew for a great job (the work was done by inmates from Washington Ridge Camp). The purpose was to make the lake area a bit of a "safe haven" in the event of a forest fire.

CSHA Picnic Last Weekend

I know Father's Day weekend was a busy one for all, and there is only so much you can do in a two day period. Instead of a June spaghetti dinner the HomeOwners Assn planned a Saturday 12-4 Family Picnic Day at LML. In hindsight, maybe FD weekend wasn't such a great choice, nonetheless, it was a very fun picnic. The lake and grounds are in premium shape, and we planned lots of games, badminton, waterballoon toss, volleyball, along with free ice cream treats for all. Attendance wasn't great, but we are hoping that if the same is planned next year on a less busy weekend (is there such a thing in Nevada County) that it will be better publicized and better attended. Remember, these events are planned to give you an opportunity to meet neighbors and have a fun event right in your own backyard. Next month the 3rd annual Kayak Race & Fun Day is planned for LML. Hope you can make it!
Two big organizations have reserved LML for in July. Quail Ridge Retirement Home and Hospice of the Foothills, are planning their employee appreciation days at our Little Lake. Reps. from both organizations have come to take a look at the grounds and were very excited about having their events here.

Hot enough for ya?????

Well, the heat is definitely here. I spent all of Thursday on Scotts Flat, in the kayak and in the water, which by the way is PERFECT TEMP (according to me!). The lake is unbelievebly full, as was discussed with the ice cream guy at the boat ramp by the harbor. He agreed that it hasn't been this full in years. There are really cool swimming inlets everywhere.
I always try to remember to bring cash to grab a quick ice cream treat to gear me up for the paddle back across to Cascade Shores ramp. Great selection of treats at the bait shop!
I went to Leslie and Keith Kearns baby shower today, at their home across from Pioneer Park pool. They are expecting their first (a girl) and it will be Olivia Diaz's first grandbaby. Congrats to all. Olivia and Ernie live at the corner of Pasquale and Nugget St., and reported having a yearling bear just a hangin' around the neighborhood for the past week. He/she scored on the neighbors garbage can, so probably will be back (their side of street is a bit of a bear path to the canyon below.) So, remember, if you have something really smelly for the garbage can (like fish wrappings or shells) you might want to freeze them until garbage day. Otherwise, even a young bear can rip off a garage door to retrieve said smelly stuff!
Speaking of Pioneer Park Pool, some of the kids from the baby shower went over to cool off in the pool, and when they returned, the "adult in charge" advised that the entire pool can be rented for $60 per hr. What a great place for a kids pool party! Last summer I took my little niece & friend for the Thursday evening games and movie night. That was major fun, and the kids won prizes for competing, stuff like standing on your head in water. Big fun!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

WOW, Best of Best at the Nevada City Classic

Grabbed the Union this morn and saw headline "Here Comes Lance!" Yes, Golden Boy Lance Armstrong, 7 time Tour de France winner & cancer survivor, Levi Leipheimer (best finish at Nevada City, 1998 champ) and Chris Horner of Astana Cycling Team will be joining the field this Sunday at the 49th Nevada City Classic. Their chartered plane will be possibly landing at GV airport. Leipheimer wrote, "I'm excited to see Nevada City agin, it's been 11 years since I've done it, in the beautiful Sierra Mountains." This should be GREAT news for shopkeepers, restraunts and race watchers. The big boys race starts at 5PM. I'm thinking of bouncing back and forth from Commercial St. (uphill) to Broad St (speeds of 50mph) to see this pretty historic race.
Tree removal will start June 22nd of Pasquale Rd. as 1st step towards improving the shoulder and installing some guardrails on this infamous winter route. Work will be done from 6:30 am - 4pm, Mon - Thr through July 9th, with 30min to 1 hr delay's. FINALLY. I know Supv. Nate Beason had alot to do with this being scheduled, so drop him a note is you have a sec. It's long overdue. Avoid delays by taking the big hill . . . . . .
Dixie just told me she had by blog added to NCVOICES.US. Wow, I'm regional! This is a grouping of local bloggers. Check it out. Thanks Dix. I'll have to be more diligent.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Is this the coolest June ever?

I've been here 10 years, and honestly, I can't remember such a cool and cloudy June. Just saw on the news that it will rain and thunder in the foothills Tues and Wed. However, it should warm up by the weekend. Is is great weather for yardwork. But once you gather up all the fallen wood and prune trees, what do you do with it? Ah, check the webpage for the 2 chipping companies that will come to your yard for a nominal fee. Kent Rees has outlined your options. He spent much time negotiating with Michael's Personalized Tree Service and Trees Unlimited for special rates for shores residents/CSHA members. From Home Page click on links, then on 2009 shipping program for full info.
The CS Womens Club is planning 3 friday night movies in July at the Firehouse, just like last summer. This is great fun, reminicient of the drive-in's of old. Except you walk in. Bring an easy chair (and footstool), your favorite blankey, and a beverage. Popcorn will be served. Movies are family friendly. They use the side of the building and sheet for a screen, and the picture and sound are surprizingly good!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

Fathers Day Weekend is always so full of great things to do! Sunday is the Nevada City Classic Bike races, and also the day Wolf Creek pulls out all their kayaks and assorted toys for you to demo, and has learning clinics on the other side of the lake. The small charge (I think $15) will go towards the purchase of a boat. I did it one year and had a blast testing each and every kayak.
Saturday: CSHA is having a Family Picnic at Lost Mine Lake from 12-4. Bring your own picnic lunch and beverage. They will provide the charcoal fire, paper and cups and forks, etc. Also, volleyball, horseshoes, lawn games and swimming encouraged, and remember we have a playset for the little ones. Pres. Kent is planning a waterballoon fight, so prepare to get wet. Bring a loungy chair and sunblock. It should warm up by then! This is free to members and non members alike. Come a stranger, leave a friend.

Erratic blogging/Union news

My entries have been a bit erratic as I have made many trips to the Bay Area lately. Hubby still plays softball in Berkeley (been with the team 30 years) so I go along, hoping a woman player will miss and I can fill in (yes, I am a softball slut). Anyway, after thumbing through 4 days of the Union, here is what I learned (in case you did't).
Sewage measure AB914 passed the Ca. Assembly. This means that the 83 Cascade Shores Homeowners (also Lake of Pines and Lake Wildwood) get relief for the sewer problems in that large fines levied can be applied toward upgrading the new treatment plant (which should just about be done by now). Every dollar helps keep their taxes down. What a complicated mess that is . . . .
Empire Mine State Park is on the chopping block due to Ca. budget woes. If you would like to sign a petition the article said you can go to I'll give it a try and report. What a huge financial and cultural loss that park would be to Nevada County and California. Ditto with South Yuba River State Park and Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park. (Local Terry Grebens Athanasopolous tells me her father was the ranger that rebuilt No. Bloomfield, and she spent her high school years living right in the middle of the town). When will the carnage end?
A car was abandoned at Lost Mine Lake for over a week. This is unfortunate, as it puts the burden and financial responsiblity of removal on CSHA. Someone finally removed it just as the tow truck was enroute. Thanks.
Both the refrigerator at the Lake and the one at the Firehouse are on the blink. SO, if you know of a fridge less than 10 years old for sale cheap, or someone who would like to donate, please call me (265-8680) or Kent Rees (265-6114). Will pick up!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Traveling Tortoise and Taco Tuesdays

Awwwww story of the day:
The inmate firefighters from Washington Ridge have been cutting and burning manzanita at Lost Mine Lake. They will put in 3 days. Today, their 2nd, they found the "traveling Tortoise" in amongst the manzanita. There have been flyers all over Cascade Shores since Sunday for TT's family looking for him, and offering a reward. Apparently, he was mixing it up with the local turtles in the lake, because Gary Kilday tells me that when they found him he had a fish hook in his mouth. Don't fret, cause he's ok. I saw Gary today awaiting TT's Momma picking him up. A happy ending, and many thanks to the inmate/firecrew that found him! Talk about a needle in a haystack . . . . .
I saw that the General Store is now having $1 Taco Tuesdays, from 5:30 - 7:00, and I hear they're pretty good! That's a great reason not to cook . . . . .
It's supposed to be cool and drizzly this week. Perfect weather for burning. Permits needed, and always call 274-7928 to see if it's a permittable burn day.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Boy is Scott's Flat Lake Full!

Phil and Dixie and I took the kayaks out on the big lake today. It is full, full, full. Almost no beach on our side. The water is very swimmable and deep dark green. Many happy boaters, skiiers and sailors out today. The next full moon is around the 6th. We always try to go out and kayak on full moon nights. It's amazing out there. Try to join us!

The intoxicating smell of the wild azalia

2night I took Jenna Dog for a lazy walk on the path that takes you all around Lost Mine Lake. First, let me set the scene. When I arrived in the parking lot, it was comfortably warm, and quiet other than the occasional squak of a bird. Heather was there on the beach with her 3 beautiful little girls, all 3 splashing happily in the pond, their father was sitting on the bench gazing at his family. As I walked the first leg to the dog beach (about 250 ft from the bathrooms) I encountered a 5 year old boy seriously contemplating his fishing with his young Dad. It was a very Norman Rockwell moment. I noticed that the water lillies were in bloom, and the bull frogs croaking. I was also overwealmed with the scent of the wild azalias, which smell much like gardenias or plumerias. It reminded me of the smell of Hawaii. The further I walked, the more abundant were the azalia bushes, and the smell hung heavier and heavier in the air. Half way around the lake I had to just stop and take in the beauty of the whole scene, as I could see across to the young fisherman, and hear 3 giggling sisters as they enjoyed their swim, and tried to get closer to the small goose family so they could see the 4 babies, as the orange glow of the setting sun lit up the white cliffs. It was one of those moments where you just say, "Thank you God for placing me at this spot in this time."
Bottom line, go see and smell the flowers before they fade. Take the time to walk around the lake (always stay left when the path forks). It takes only minutes, and can last a lifetime.


I just got my second bear sighting report of the season. Karen Lari on Summit Ridge saw mom and babes, and Robin Williams (not that Robin Williams) neighbors have signed some by his place. Now, I hope this doesn't alarm you. Our Black bears and smart, and shy. Any noise or dogs barking usually will scare them off. It is important that we co-exist peacefully with them. So, remember, no pet food or bird food or garbage stored on decks. Don't put your garbage can out till the am of pick up. If you walk out and one is sitting on the porch (it happened to us last year) just make a U-turn, go inside, put on light and bang a pot or pan. Bears will move on if there is nothing (food) to be gained by hanging at your place. If you need more tips, go to By the way, there is NO bear relocation program in Calif, so calling Sheriff or Animal Control probably won't get you far, unless you have a really unruly, sick, injured or persistant bear. I have been within 10 feet of a few of the local bears, and believe me, they were more alarmed at me, than me at them. THEY though I was the bogeyman!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I recently told you that the shed at LML was kicked in (unsuccessful burgulary). Now Caroline tells the that across from her on Lake Lane, by Scotts Flat lot, some boats being stored were broken it to, and gas cans and gas taken, gas lines cut. So be on the look out. Why does this always happen in late May/early June. I guess the creeps are coming out of their hidey-holes. Be on the lookout . . .
Must be the year of the underdog. First the Kentucky Derby longshot (50/1) wins, (Mine that Bird) then the Preakness (Rachel Alexandra), 1st filly to win since 1924, then Melissa leaves , Dancing with the Stars early, then Shawn Johnson takes the prize, over Giles (aaargh?). The American Idol win of Chris Allen last night was a MAJOR upset (though my money was on him. I figure he grabbed the Danny Gokey christian votes). What next. Al Franken for Senator?????? Oh yeah, that happened. Anyway, I guess NBA will be next, then the Mets or Cubs will win the World Series. Hey, might be a good bet.
The Chron today reminded me of a great Herb Caenism. "Live each day like it's your last. One day, you'll be right."
Happy planting. Rite aid has 6 packs of flowers for $1.69. I'm on my way!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Heartworm pill for the pups/Jars of money in your home?

I have always gotten my dogs heartworm pills from the vet, as I understood that you would have to acquire a perscription from the vet to order online, and that seemed like a hassle. But Dixie just clued me in that a perscription is no longer required to order online, and they cost about half as much. She order for Jackson, Jenna and Harry via Total Pet Supply, at a considerable discount. Good work Dix.
I used to save my change all year for our annual Reno trip, where I would promptly pump it into a video poker machine in about 20 minutes with little gain . . .now they only want "virtual" money at the machines, so that tradition ended. Then I recently read that most folks have a change jar with somwhere between $50 and $100 dollars, just sitting, not being circulated. I also read how much local charities are hurting due to the recession. So, I counted up all the money jars, and came up with $153. I put it into my checking account, and wrote out 8 checks for $20 (close enough). Now they are on my "outgoing" mail, and when I read a worthy cause in the Union, or get a mail request from my favorites, I write in payee and shoot it out. I challenge you to do the same. Feels really good to respond to those "shoutouts." Sammies friends is of course first on the list. . . . gotta take care of the pets.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Puttin' Padre's/Walking Group

Are you wondering who the group of 8 full dress Harley riders staying in the shores are, roaring up and down Banner Quaker Hill the last few days? Well, Caroline Inglis clued me in that they are all Pastors or Elders from the Evergreen Valley Church of San Jose, and they are staying at the home of Dave and Eileen Deardorf, a beautiful house on Baltic Place, snuggled up against a white cliff overlooking Scotts Flat Lake. This is their annual Cascade Shores excursion, and a nicer group you will not meet. Last night they told me they were going to start the day with breakfast in Grass Valley. I saw them parked at the General Store tonight, grabbing a burger I guess. Whoda though they were church folk. See, you get a different impression when you see a group of Harleys, dontcha. Admit it. Anyway, be sure to wave when you see them pass.
By the way, speaking of Caroline Inglis, she invited neighbors over to help celebrate her mother's 93rd birthday last night. Happy birthday Linnea. I do believe she'll see 103. Her 90th was spent on an Alaskian cruise. Her 92nd, a year ago, it was a European cruise and then she kicked around Dublin, Ireland on her 2cc scooter, with a pint of ale. I can only hope . . . .
Our Mon., Wed, Fri., walking group has expanded to about 8 people and 6 dogs. The group meets at the Firehouse 8am sharp. Takes 1 hour to walk 3 miles, 1 1/2 each way out Pasquale. We rarely see a car, so the dog's are allowed off leash. Please join us, it is so much more fun to exercise when you have folks to talk to. The more, the merrier! The dogs are in heaven running, sniffing and slurping mud water. If you are on the road at that time, use caution on curves. Thanks!

Successful LML cleanup/New tenants

15 people showed up for LML cleanup Sat. Many thanks to members of the board, plus Gary, Roy Leighton, Larry Anderson, Brian & Henry Harrison, Clea, and Kenny from Summit Ridge (who reads my blog, thank you Kenny.) We painted, moved sand to beach, raked pine needles, spruced up kids playground, and tested out the new umbrella's to make shade over the picnic tables. It all looks great. The bad news, yesterday some vandals kicked in the equipment shed door. They did not get in, and caused alot of damage to the door. There is nothing of real value in the shed, but makes is very frustrating that the damage was done for nothing . . . . .
Sunday evening I went to LM lake to enjoy the solitude, and was joined by my friend Ilene Oslin, who shared her snacks and wine. We were admiring the small family of Canadian Geese, mom, dad and 4 babies. They glided peacefully back and forth, and we commented on what wonderful parents they are, always guarding and vigilant while the babes explored the lake and lawn. How wonderful that they have the lake all to themselves. . . . .
This morning I went down and there were 20, yes, TWENTY adult Canadians standing on the beach. Auggggh, paradise invaded. I wonder who sent them the invitation. Don't know how long they'll stay, but I do know they will be fertilizing the lawn, ALOT. Rake will be placed by the tree at the shore . . . . . Party crashers . . . . They are beautiful . . .

Friday, May 15, 2009

Scotts Flat Lake Pass

If you haven't renewed your lake pass yet, know that you have to drive the vehicle you use to enter parking lot over to the other side to office, as they have to affix a sticker on your window. You are allowed 2 stickers, but you must bring the cars to them. I spoke with Peggy Davidson, and she assured me that the gate on our side has been fixed, so you can enter with your pass card, and leave at the opposite end of gate (last year gate broken, and you had to enter and leave on the same side. It was a pain in the butt, as you had to get out, walk around and have card open gate again). However, she said already someone tried to jimmy the gate and broke it. If it keeps happening, it will be a big problem for all.
Peggy also said that there will be NO ADMITTANCE to parking lot on CS side after 9pm, and no alcohol consumption in parking lot. They will have staff there from 7am - 9pm to monitor. Don't shoot the messenger . . . . . Me and friends like to moonlight kayak on full moon nights. It don't happen till 9pm. Bummer.

Lost Mine Lake for Charity/Suburu's

The CSHA gave 3 rentals of Lost Mine Lake to the Rotary Auction (KNCO broadcasts) and all three were bid for! I have already heard from 2 folks that plan to use their rentals in June for kids birthday parties. They were very excited to learn that they had the park for the day for BBQ, swimming and volleyball and horseshoes. I get really excited for them when I hear how happy they are with the facilities. Since the trees had to be cut down that provided shade in the picnic area (bark beetles) we have drilled holes in the tables and purchased market umbrella's to provide shade. Members, be sure to use the lake. It's just beautiful all summer.
The husband and I went to Grocery Outlet to stock up. It was warm, so I left windows down 6 inches on our white Suburu Outback. When we came out, making it two rows to the car, I kept pushing my magic button to open the doors, and no click. After about three tries, I realized we were trying to get into the wrong white Suburu. When we made it to OUR car another row back, we found an older lady standing sheepishly next to the rear door. As I approached, she asked "is this your car." "Yes.""Well, a few minutes ago I threw my purse into your back seat. Can I have it back?" We all laughed, as I told her I had just been trying to put my groceries in HER car. Moral of story, too many white Suburu Outbacks out there. Too many people over 50 driving them.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lost Mine Lake and HIgh School Seniors

Got a little jump on LML cleanup today. Graduating senior Henry Harrison and his brother Brian and 3 other NU seniors came down and stained the playset, raked the volleyball court and did some misc. painting today to satisfy their community hours commitment for school. We also replaced the toddler swing. The lawn is still a bit swampy from last weeks rains, but should drain off in the next week. Next Saturday will be the official cleanup. Then the lake is ready for the season. Be sure to use our little treasure this summer. I especially love to hang there in the early evening. You can't find a more peaceful place to park your chair, have a glass of wine and just unwind.
Thanks Henry, Brian and friends. Happy Graduation.

Returning from vacation

Wow, 12 days on the road in a 23ft motorhome, with 2 dogs and a new sound system. We took hwy 99 and assorted others across the desert to Yuma, Arizona, just 15 minues from Mexico. The weather was perfect, 85-90, spent at least 3 hours a day in the pool, and played tourist the rest of the time. No trips into Mexico this time, as between drug wars and swine flu, it seemed like not such a great idea. Came back north via San Diego way up to 101 and cruized the Pacific Ocean all the way to Berkeley. Poked our way around all the cute costal towns with views to die for, and city parks that hang onto cliffs. Wow. A couple of days in the Bay Area, again beautiful weather, marveling at Bay Bridge and Golden Gate views. I always get that happy feeling when we drive over the Bear River Bridge on hwy 174 and see the Nevada County sign. All in all, this is still my favorite place. Got home to the smell of wet asphalt (recent rain) and the scents of pine, liliacs and daffodils, mixed with that wonderful earthy smell of damp red dirt. Heaven.
Road favorites: camping in little county fairgrounds. Clean, pretty, and lots of nooks and crannies to explore when walking the dogs. Best Billboard: A picture of Jackie Robinson, with the message "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson." " Character building, what's truly important."
Best Mall: (if you like that kind of thing) a little south of Palm Springs, NOTHING BUT WOO-WOO SHEE SHEE, big time name brands. Best coffee: ALWAYS those little independent huts in store parking lots. Yummy coffee and way friendly barista's. They almost always gave us dog bones for the "children." Most Heart waming moment: watching a rehabd sea lion being released back into the ocean a little north of Santa Barbara. He seemed to want to stay with his handlers, and they had to give him a few good pushes to encourage "escape." We watched him hang near the shore for 20 minutes before disappearing into the vast waters. Hope he found his pod. New discovery: At an animal rescue habitat, got to feed a Zonkey. Yep, half Zebra, half Donkey. Very cool looking animal. Also got to feed camels, deer, and critters I have never heard of.
That's allllll folks.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today and tomorrow are no motor days at Scotts Flat Lake. You can learn Stand Up Paddling (?) Sunday from 11am-2pm. Gold Country Yacht Club is having an open house and offering free sailboat rides (if you can't paddle over to the other side, you will have to drive to 5 Mile House and down the that entry point) Last year it drew 100 people. Wolf Creek Wilderness is teaching the Stand Up Paddling. It will be fun just to watch! On father's day Wolf Creek has a kayak tryout clinic. That's lots of fun. You can test drive all their kayaks.
We are packing up the motor home for a trip to Arizona. Sun, swimming, margarita's! It is always such a job to get packed, dogs bathed, food figured out, house sitters for kitties, someone to water plants. Whew, I'm tired already. Anyway, it's great to travel, and even better to get back home! I'll try to blog from the road.
Reminder: LML cleanup is May 16th, Sat. 10am till done! Volunteers appreciated, lunch served. I'm starting to get summer bookings for the lake. See the flyer on the home page if you are interested (click on Lake for Rent).
Did you believe the snow the other day? 2nd snow since the dogwoods bloomed. According to legend, that's the last for the year. We'll see.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I went down to review the supply of books at the exchange (the file cabinet by door of firehouse). We definitely need new/interesting books. Had to throw out the many that got wet this winter. If you have books to donate, EXPECIALLY KIDS BOOKS, please give me a call or drop them by my house (corner of Pasquale and BQH Hill, 15855 BQH Rd to be exact). I will gladly put them on the shelf when we are sure it's done raining for the year. Also welcome are magazines, periodicals. Please, no encyclopedia's or out of date/tech books. The exchange is used by many, and it's a great feeling to see kids and others perusing the shelves in the summertime, when getting to a library is and extra trip to town (the kids are kinda landlocked here in C.S.). Thanks for your donations.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Lost Mine Lake Clean-up

The annual clean up is Sat. May 16th this year, 10am. Volunteers welcome. Bring a helpful spirit, garden tools and dress funky. We serve a great lunch to all that help. The CSHA is planning some great improvements this year. If you know have, or know anyone with carpentry skills that would like to help, we could sure use it on some of these projects. It would be nice to save some $ by using volunteer labor. The kiddie swing is being replaced this weekend on the playset, and new woodchips broadcast. As usual, our groundskeeper Gary keeps a close watch on LML, and keeps things moving in the right direction all year. Where would we be without him? There will be a new sign this year "no alcohol or loitering" in parking lot. We hope this helps keeping the entry gate area clear and welcoming. If there are improvement you would like to see, please contact someone on the board and let us know. Maximum usage of this beautiful little park is encouraged.