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Friday, April 22, 2011

Catching up

Don't know if you missed me, but I'm back. The Womens Club held their Easter Party last weekend, and it was as charming and fun for the little ones as always. Great food, games and the kids just never get enough of the pinata (Bill Carter is so good at taunting them with it). Thanks to all the ladies that make Easter such a great memory for the shores kids. Got to speak with Olivia Diaz there, back from her European adventure. She and Ernie just returned from their 6 weeks in France. Great stories, and what could be better than "spring in Paris." She really timed that trip well! Her granddaughter Ava enjoyed the activities, and what a beauty, wearing the latest Paris fashion (I'm not kidding). They do grow up way to fast. Her baby shower was just the other day, and now she's a toddler.
I pulled my shelter shift today, (FOUR darling little wire haired Doxies are available at shelter. What is this, dump your doxie month????). After I stopped by Ben Franklin's and ran into Jeannie Ferguson, former shores resident. She mentioned there will be another reunion of the ladies of the shores this summer (all the residents that met here over the last 10 years). Then I met Karen Lari at Sutton Cinema to see Water for Elephants, which was so wonderful the audience broke into applause a few times. I hope they nominate Rosie the Elephant for a supporting actress award this year. At the theatre, ran into and got to catch up with Chuck and Marvina Jaffee, returned form their 2 1/2 month Arizona experience. They wisely missed all the fun storms lollygagging in the heat of Tucson area. Also saw Karen and Skip Hatton. Where else but Nevada County can you run into 6 people you know in a few hours? That's what I love about this place.
While discussing the hardships of the storms with people, I can't help thinking about Kent and Anna Rees, the only folks I know here with a whole house generator. I swear, at one point during the storm, with power, cable and phones out, & 4 feet of fresh snow in the yard, and Phil and I were living like the Donner Party folks, I bundled up like an arctic explorer to go check on them. I find their house lit up like a Las Vegas casino, cozy fire blazing, a constant 70 degrees throughout, and classical music filling the house (which I call "little Sweden" cause you feel like you just entered a Swedish B&B) and their usual 5 course dinner being served, sans complimentary wine. We on the other hand were dining on banana's and beans, and wearing ski gear to bed. What's wrong with this picture? What I do love about living at 3400 ft, at the end of the road is the pioneer spirit here. I haven't heard one person rant about all the difficulties. It's been more of a "whatchagonnado" type of attitude. I love my neighbors! It's good to have you back all you winter travelers. I don't blame you for bugging out (I did myself for 2 weeks) but it's sure good to see you all back. Looking forward to seeing you all at the big lake this summer. It's right around the corner, right? Yes, the dogwoods have bloomed, and that means spring is here. . . I hope.
We received a $25.00 check from PG&E for loss of use in November. How thoughtful. I also called COMCAST and asked for a refund for the period of non-use in March, and they obliged.
The $$$ are just rolling in. I figure the two 70' oak trees that laid down in front of our house will provide 2-3 cords of firewood, or about $700. Making lemonade out of the lemons! Getting the news from Kent Rees that the trees were blocking my driveway and front door while I was getting a pedi-cure in Arizona, PRICELESS!
Just heard from Billy Barber on Nugget St. that the guy who took down their big leaning oak tree a few weeks ago was the same kid who took a 30' fall when his ropes kit a high voltage line while climbing. Billy said he was a nice kid, and a great climber. Prayers for his recovery.
Speaking of Nugget St, there is a great 2 story house for sale in the middle of the block. Great 2 story family home, with detached 2 car garage, real clean with new carpeting and a newish kitchen. I think they're asking $160K. So many well priced homes for sale now, 1990's prices around here. Seems like homes are moving again, even the bigger ones. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of new families around here. Be sure to educate your new neighbors about the CSHA, and the great propane discount they will receive from Suburban if they join.


  1. We are considering buying up your way... I don't see the Nugget house on the RE listings, it is FSBO?

  2. hi Liz,
    I'll go by tomorrow and check out the realtor sign.

  3. I agree Denise - I love the pioneer spirit up here in the winter too! There is nothing like the tranquility and beauty up here when you venture out in the the snow. The world seems to be on pause - there is nothing like it. I also love the close knit community we are up here - helping each other shovel snow, checking on the elderly, sharing food or letting neighbors take a hot shower. Living in the Bay Area we barely knew any of our neighbors. Up here we help each other all year round. Life is special in the Shores!
