Actually, if you read your PGE mail, they warned that they were setting a new pole across from my house on BQH Rd, and that power would be out for a spell.
This coming Wed, NID will be turning off water from 8:30am - 5PM, so get those showers and coffee made before they turn us off.
As of Sunday, burn permits are required. You can get a permit at the fire station on Coyote (across hwy 40). Remember to call 274-7928 to see if it's an official burn day.
Woodcutting season set to start May 11th in Tahoe Natl. Forest. There are rules for cutting (amount, where, etc) so contact a ranger station, headquarters or by mail.
Our own Lost Mine Lake cleanup is 05/14. The association always appreciate help in getting the little lake in shape for the season. So don your working duds and bring some tools, or call Pam Herenkohl, 265-2363 if you have a project in mind, and she can advise you. It's a great way to meet neighbors too! Don't forget, in addition to helping you keep your propane bill low, your CSHA membership of a measly $100 per year pay the insurance and upkeep on our little jewel of a lake/park, so pay your dues! (oops, that means me). Advertise your business for $15 per year. Advertise your rental home for $15! Go to a meeting for free, and find out what the board is working on or planning, or add your 2cents.
WEINER REPORT: Doxie lovers, there is a charming LARGE doxie at the NC shelter named Sam. Very handsome red boy. I thought he was baring his teeth to me, but today I realized he was smiling! We went for a walk together, and he is just the most charming sweet boy. Even with his "full figure" he was able to hop easily up on a bench and lean his head against my shoulder, and lightly kissed me. It was like a date. Anyway, his family surrendered him cause he was "bossy." Yes, Doxies are bossy. They like to rule the roost if possible. So, if you know anyone that wants a wonderful handsome boy, who needs to go on a diet, send them to the shelter. Sam is waiting for you!
The owners surrendered him because he was bossy? Dang my little pepper tries to boss me around all the time, but he is a dog, he isn't the boss. hahahaha