I was trolling craigslist and saw an ad for a house rental (Baltic Close by Lake Lane). The ad mentioned that the Sf Chronicle had named Scott's Flat Lake as "Sierra Nevada Best Kept Secret Lakes." Did anyone see that article? Can't call it up on search. Good to know. But shhhhh, we don't want that secret out of the bag. I just love having 7 miles of shoreline to myself monday-friday all week during the summer.
OK, so today's snow was the last of the season, right?
Seem like everyone is running off on vacation. Kent and Anna Rees are off to 10 days in Ashland and parts of Oregon. Dixie and Robert Crabb are just returning from Mendocino. I'm dog sitting for both. Sent them all out to play in the snow today, plus my 3. Snowfest 2010.