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Friday, April 29, 2011

Noticed power out today?

Actually, if you read your PGE mail, they warned that they were setting a new pole across from my house on BQH Rd, and that power would be out for a spell.
This coming Wed, NID will be turning off water from 8:30am - 5PM, so get those showers and coffee made before they turn us off.
As of Sunday, burn permits are required. You can get a permit at the fire station on Coyote (across hwy 40). Remember to call 274-7928 to see if it's an official burn day.
Woodcutting season set to start May 11th in Tahoe Natl. Forest. There are rules for cutting (amount, where, etc) so contact a ranger station, headquarters or by mail.
Our own Lost Mine Lake cleanup is 05/14. The association always appreciate help in getting the little lake in shape for the season. So don your working duds and bring some tools, or call Pam Herenkohl, 265-2363 if you have a project in mind, and she can advise you. It's a great way to meet neighbors too! Don't forget, in addition to helping you keep your propane bill low, your CSHA membership of a measly $100 per year pay the insurance and upkeep on our little jewel of a lake/park, so pay your dues! (oops, that means me). Advertise your business for $15 per year. Advertise your rental home for $15! Go to a meeting for free, and find out what the board is working on or planning, or add your 2cents.
WEINER REPORT: Doxie lovers, there is a charming LARGE doxie at the NC shelter named Sam. Very handsome red boy. I thought he was baring his teeth to me, but today I realized he was smiling! We went for a walk together, and he is just the most charming sweet boy. Even with his "full figure" he was able to hop easily up on a bench and lean his head against my shoulder, and lightly kissed me. It was like a date. Anyway, his family surrendered him cause he was "bossy." Yes, Doxies are bossy. They like to rule the roost if possible. So, if you know anyone that wants a wonderful handsome boy, who needs to go on a diet, send them to the shelter. Sam is waiting for you!

1 comment:

  1. The owners surrendered him because he was bossy? Dang my little pepper tries to boss me around all the time, but he is a dog, he isn't the boss. hahahaha
