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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Falling in love, again

Walking up Lake Lane after a visit to the big lake, I saw Lori and Jerry Sheftel in their yard. Last year they put their home on the market, and set about looking for a new home. "We're done with the Shores, we're done with the snow" they exclaimed. The Sheftel's work hard at their plumbing business, and Jerry said "I think I'll buy one of those trophy homes. I deserve it." So, for the past year they have looked all over Nevada County and all the way to Lincoln. What did they find? Well, Lori told me "we never found anything as beautiful as right here." "Where else can you have a lake view like this, a yard like this, the wildlife like this?" Their home is modest, but they have worked hard to make it perfect for their family.
As spring slowly arrives, you go about the spring chores. Rake up fallen wood and leaves and burn. See what plants made it through the winter. Go to the nursery or drug store and select your favorite bedding plants. Set them around the yard, and feel that sense of accomplishment. Paint the trim that peeled due to the moisture over winter. Clean the bird feeders. Drive down to Scotts Flat to check the level of the lake. Notice all the incredible huge white dogwood blooms, the cherry trees pink against the green forest. Watch the dogs sail across the red dirt, leaping over next year's firewood drying in the sun. Fall in love with Cascade Shores all over again.

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