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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Rain, rain go away

Still raining here, though the thunderstorms did not materialize. Usually at this time we are frolicking in the lake. Missing those days . .
THIS WEEKEND IS THE GOLD COUNTY SAILING REGATTA AT SCOTTS FLAT, starting 11am Sat, with 3 races, and 2 races on Sunday. Also a BBQ dinner Sat night on Hwy 20 side. Should be beautiful!
Nevada County Shelter on Mc Courtney desperately needs canned cat food. You should see those kitties light up when they get their wet food. If you can't make it out there and you'd like to donate, you can drop food inside my gate (15855 Banner Quaker Hill Rd, at corner of Pasquale by the Big Hill). I'll drop it off for you. Thanks. If you would rather give a check to help feed, I can drop that off too . . .
As I go on walks, I've been seeing new property owners visiting their new homes. Looks like the trend is people buying 2nd homes as vacation/weekenders, so our full time population is dwindling. That's all right, less traffic on the hill. Unfortunately, it means less money spent in town though, tough on the merchants. So, be sure to shop local! The farmers markets are back in swing, even with the rain. My favorite is North Star House. I can spend hours there. It's on Old Auburn Rd. Take a left at gate #3 by fairgrounds on Mc Courtney. The house was designed by Julia Morgan, you know, the one who designed Hearst Castle. It is slowly and lovingly being restored. Their entertainment for this years concert is Aaron Neville. Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know we are not alone....writing from Seeley Lake, MT, and we have rain, rain, and more rain as well. Keep thinking SUNSHINE!!!
