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Friday, July 20, 2012

misc. gobblygook

I hear the store is doing Ribs 2nite.  Ummmm, ribs.  I'm such a meatasaurus, and can only dream of flipping to vegetarian.  I'll work on that . . . .
The movie 2nite at the Firehouse is "Dolphin Tale."  Charming true story of a dolphin who lost her tail and was rescued and rehabbed with a new tale.  Movie starts at dark oclock.  Bring a comfy chair and bankey.  Popcorn provided (free)
Robbers fire is under control, and no more smoke.  Be careful out there.  Even a gas weekeater or mower can spark a fire.  It is tinder dry!
Scotts Flat is finally dropping a bit, and my favorite beaches are surfacing.  Too the Frankfurter and Kate for a great offleash walk around the lake this am, and it is glorious!
Eleanor MacDonald, the singer, (Paul Kamm and Eleanor MacDonald pay around here all the time, they're local) just published a charming book about a little dog named Grace that she encountered in Greece on vacation.  Karen Lari and I went to her reading last night at the Stonehouse and it was wonderful.  If you buy the book at Sammies Friends, 100% goes to the shelter.  If you buy it elsewhere, a portion goes to Sammies Friends and a portion goes to a shelter in Greece.  The book is called "All the little Graces."
Lots of street work being done here to upgrade water pipes.  Later in fall streets will be resurfaced.
I will be manning a booth at the Pioneer Park Flea Market on 8/4 for Scooters Pals.  I've been hard at work creating some one of a kind dog beds (One is an old Philco tv cabinet, so cute).  Please come down and buy something to support the rescue of shelter animals abandoned by those that were supposed to love them forever!  Also, Sammies Friends (County shelter) is overflowing with dogs and cats now.  Please come adopt a baby.  They need to get out of those cages!  Sammies is on McCourtney Rd.  2 1/2 miles past the fairgrounds

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