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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Correction: magical Tibetian Spaniel looking for like minded people to love

Wow, Liz Keller (thanks Liz) read my blog about my "foster son" and said she thinks he is a Tibetian Spaniel. She directed me to "" and BINGO, I think that's just what we have here. He looks like a Tibbie, he thinks like a Tibbie, so for my money, that's what he is. What a great breed. Here are the characteristics: great watchdogs (like to sit on their window perch & watch the world), patient with kids as long as they are not teased or roughly handled, live just fine in small homes, only need a few brisk walks a day for exercise, 9 to 15 lbs, only shed a little, seldom need a bath (8 weeks) never need trimming, occasional brushing, shed only a little in spring. They are highly intelligent, though a bit stubborn, and super loyal to the family, while keeping their independence. Sounds like good husband material. And did I mention they are total clowns. Little Beau has been entertaining us non-stop. So if you know anyone . . . . . . . he's a keeper.
Dixie tells me that the next storm coming Monday is a cooooold one, and we may see more, you know, SNOW. Prediction is for a low of 34, so watch out.
Women's Club met yesterday for a luncheon at Diego's in Grass Valley. Man, the food there is sooo tasty. Best guacamole ever. The waitress was kind enough to share the receipe with us. Avacado, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, garlic, s & p. I know it sounds typical, but they do some kinda voo-doo on it. The Caesar salad is great, (but no croutons). About 20 of us showed up, and it was fun to catch up with everyone's travel, wedding and baby news. Noisy group!


  1. He looks awesome! Man, I have been itching to get a dog friend for our little rescued fox terrier, not sure how well they'd get along....

  2. I have met "Beau" and he is a doll!! Seems very nice and well-adjusted. I would adopt him in a heartbeat if my hubby wouldn't kill me. I'm just sayin'.

  3. Our Tibbie is all about the drama. When scolded or when needing attention he will develop a limp, but unfortunately he then forgets which paw is injured and will switch legs... and yes, he is pretty stubborn, but we love him anyways!

  4. Love a good guacamole!

    What do you get when the Northwest's Yeti meets up with a rotary snowplow?

